
Showing posts from December, 2014

Happy New Year!

Wishing all of you a fantastic 2015! Here are my New Year's Resolutions:) Not much, but hopefully achievable.... 1) Try to have a healthier lifestyle. image from  2) Finish Level 2 of the Master Hand Knitter program . image from 3) I have been spinning everyday, and the goal is to keep it up next year. 4) Be more "in the moment". Be more positive. Be less afraid. Be happier....because life is too short. Do you have any goals for 2015?

As of late -Christmas 2014 (Picture Heavy)

What we've been up to for the holiday season....:) Christmas Eve I knitted her cardigan:)  Christmas Day Boxing Day  The crowd when we came...  ...and when we left....eeeek!  My younger sis' engagement party How was your holiday season so far, guys?

Season's Greetings

Wishing all of you an awesome holiday season!

AprĆØs ski

Tentree hoodie, H&M/Girl With Dragon Tattoo Collection pants, Tecnica moon boots

Fan club president

Right?!? North Face jacket, Sherlock shirt from Hot Topic, Levi's jeans, Ugg Australia boots  Anyhoo, aside from Sherlock, I believe I should also be the fan club president of The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones...just saying..... She wants me to take a pic of her boots too...sigh...I've created a monster.

Where the moon boots come out

no-name cardigan, F21 shirt, no-name leggings, Dior moon boots  Look who tried to come out and photo bomb me! Happy Monday, y'all! Is there tons of snow where you are?

All I Want For Christmas 2014

If I had a million dollars If I had a million dollars Well, I'd buy you a fur coat But not a real fur coat, that's cruel -Barenaked Ladies, If I Had A Million Dollars 1) Original GG canvas backpack 2) Schacht Ladybug Spinning Wheel 3) Nancy's Knit Knacks Ball Winder 4) Canon EOS 1D X What is on your list?

Winter basics, and some good news at last!

My usual winter get-up... Express sweater with no-name shirt underneath, LEI jeans from Walmart, DV by Dolce Vita booties And thank you to The Knitting Guild Association for making my last month of the year end wonderfully...I found out yesterday that I passed Level 1 of the Master Hand Knitter program (which I've mentioned here )! YAY! A ray of sunshine in this heinous last quarter of the year...

A is for Apple

Well, actually, the A on this cap stands for Atlanta Braves, in honour of the place where my fave show is filmed. Can you guess which show? It had a devastating mid-season finale.. .ahem...The Walking Dead.... Hudson Bay coat, Lacoste shirt, H&M pants, Adidas sneakers, New Era cap Are you a fan of baseball caps? I'm kinda obsessed with them.

Some Tuesday Inspiration
