Sunshine Blogger Award

Shannon, from The Creation of Beauty Is Art, is not only an awesome beauty blogger, she is also kind enough to nominate me for the Sunshine Blogger Award! Thank you, Shannon:)

Here are the questions she posted for us to answer.

What is the last great book you read?   The last great book I read was 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami.

Do you have an all time favourite lipstick shade? My fave lipstick shade of all-time is Bite Beauty's Chai.

If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and what would you say to them?  If I could meet one celeb, it would be...hmmmm....probably Barack Obama. Does he count? I just wanna thank him for being such an inspiration, and maybe convince him to come back:P I'm Canadian, but I care about US politics too.

What blog post of yours are you most proud of? The blog post I'm most proud of is probably this one:D

Do you prefer shopping at Sephora, MAC, or the drugstore? Why?  I prefer shopping at Sephora just because of all the brands they carry.

What inspired you to start your blog? What inspired me to start this blog was reading other people's blogs:) I was a big fan of Rumi Neeley (Fashion Toast), BrianBoy and Style Bubble back in the day.

If you could be alive in any previous decade, which decade would you choose? If I could be alive in any previous decade, it would be the 80's, baby! I'm such a sucker for 80's fashion, and love theTV  shows back then. Also happier times although definitely not perfect (AIDS, Chernobyl, Central Park 5, etc.) 

Do you have any specific blog goals you are working towards? In terms of blog goals, I just wanna be able to keep doing what I'm doing. I'm not a big blogger...never really intended to be, so no pressure for me:)

Which fashion trend do you love the most? Which do you despise? The fashion trend I love most right now is athleisure. Most despised...nothing really. 
image from teen

What types of movies and shows does Netflix recommend to you? Netflix always recommends horror for me...yassss!

How often do you wash your makeup brushes? Sadly, I should really wash my personal makeup brushes more often. Maybe once a month right now.

This has been fun, you guys:) I'm supposed to tag people for this, so I'm tagging all of you who are interested in doing this. Same questions:)


Mica said…
Congrats on the award! Was nice to read more about you ! I remember reading Rumi's blog! it's because of her I have my Acne Pistol ankle boots, haha! I saw them on her and fell in love!

just goggled to see what she was doing and if she still had a blog and I remember why I unsubscribed!

Hope that your week has been a good one and you have a nice weekend ahead of you :)

Away From Blue
Carolyna's world said…
Congrats the award dear- I Iike so much Murakami- his books are so magical in some way xx
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Congratulations chingu! I'm all about athleisure as well. I would like live in joggers if I could and I'm always on the hunt for pairs that look as much like dress pants as possible haha ;p We get some weird recs on our Netflix account since my husband and I both use it and we have some widely divergent tastes at times.
» Joha said…
Great post, Thanks for sharing,
I'm following you! X.
Adam said…
Obama would probably be my top pick. Sigh... back when we had a real president.

Trump wants to buy Greenland but doesn't want to take care of Puerto Rico.

Reminds me of when Mr. Burns on the Simpsons flies to Cuba and tries to buy the island.

"So this island is not for sale eh?"
Marisa Cavaleiro said…
Congrats Emmy, love your answers!!
I heard about that book, I think I'm curious about it!1
Sharon said…
Congratulations! I really enjoyed reading your answers. What's the book about? I'm always interested in finding new books :) Athleisure is definitely a nice trend, happy it's been around for a while now and to be honest I hope it stays, because it's super comfortable
R's Rue said…
Yes to your answers. Loved getting to know you.
Evi Erlinda said…
I just knew you love horror :)
Hena Tayeb said…
Congrats on the Award.
That is a great shade of lipstick
Rani Bon Bon said…
Wow, congratulations on the award!!
I love horror movies too. I'm basically a really big coward but I'm also curious to know the whole story, haha. It's just entertaining and satisfying to see horror movies and see how the story ends.
Carolyna's world said…
Thank you for visit my blog :-) Have a lovely day xx

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