I still remember watching the original Jurassic Park movie in the theatre, guys. Ever since, I've been a big fan of the the series. And now, with having little kids, I can share the love of dinosaurs with them. :D My middle child, especially, had been so excited for the Jurassic World to come out that he started a count down since the beginning of the year. I promised him we'd see it on opening day, so of course, I pulled the boys out of school on Friday so we could watch it! Bwahaha! Looking oh so cool with our 3D glasses Needless to say, we all loved it. Just a great entertaining movie, and the dinosaurs.....the dinosaurs!!!!! I loved that climactic scene when there's a battle between...well, no spoilers here. Let's just say....oh...my...gosh! The human characters were a bit of a stereotype, but the dinosaurs more than made up for that...and well, Chris Pratt was okay to look at, too...ahem.... Can we talk about the awesomeness of Bryce Dallas Howar...