
Showing posts from March, 2021

New in...first clothing purchase since 2019!

 Hi guys! If you've been reading my blog for awhile, then you know that 2020 was my no-buy year for clothes/shoes and accessories. Was it a success? you can guess from the title of this post, it was! Wut?!?! I literally didn't buy any stuff to wear (except my husband did buy me a beanie but I don't count that coz it's a hat and I didn't buy it...LOLZ)! (I do know that the lockdown because of COVID made this easier, but still....) Anyhoo....I am not doing that this year anymore, but I will also not buy as much clothes and such items since I know for sure now that I really don't need new stuff (it's always just a "want", you know?) I did finally buy two items because I'm a huge Haruki Murakami and Jean-Michel Basquiat fan! UNIQLO shirts (Murakami UT shirt and Basquiat x WB UT shirt) 1Q84 is one of my fave novels! Have you bought anything lately?

What have I been watching #20

Some recent shows/movies I've been loving lately, you guys:) (all images from Enola Holmes was great. Erased was a great animƩ. Loved the first episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Obsessed with Zack Snyder's Justice League and definitely worth th 4-hour duration:) What have you been watching lately?

It's always hoodie weather.

 Gotta love snow in March... American Eagle hoodie, UNIQLO pants, Adidas sneakers hehe Thought I'd show off my socks which I knitted myself:D out and about (had to get new shoes for the little one so we braved the mall!)  Are things opening up where you are, or are things back to normal for awhile now?

Obsession #54

 Obsessing over these new sneakers....(coming soon as of writing this)  images from The Kawhi Neo Flame (New Balance) What are you obsessing over lately? Do you wear sneakers a lot?

It's all black and white.

 I haven't really done a lot of outfit posts since we went into lockdown, so I thought I'd do it today...also to show off this top I got for Christmas from my younger sis:D Vera Moda top from sister, UNIQLO pants, Timberland boots If you blog, how has your blogging changed since covid happened?