What have I been watching #30

So, I thought I'd just share the ones I've seen lately that I've liked...I've been re-watching a lot of old films so I won't include that here:) 1) The Secrets of Dumbledore I was originally not going to watch this in support of Johnny Depp (who was fabulous as Grindelwald in the previous movie), but as big fan of the franchise, I was curious and gave in. I actually liked this film a lot, but I still think this would have been much better with Johnny (Sorry Mads Mikkelsen.). My fave is definitely Jude Law, but I also loved Callum Turner as Theseus and Jessica Williams as Prof. Hicks. 2) Moon Knight Oscar Isaac....enough said. 3) Halloween Kills I liked the Halloween film that preceded this more, but this was still ok. I think the main reason I wasn't too impressed was because of the ending...sigh.... What have you been watching lately?