What have I been watching #31

Sooooo....this is quite a long list, everyone:) When I was in isolation due to Covid, watching movies was pretty much all I did and had energy for....so....yeah:D I have finally seen all of Wes Anderson's films (except for Bottle Rocket)...yay! I also re-watched the ones I've already seen. I also did this for some Miyazaki films...hehe In chronological order: (I will include even the ones that I didn't like or are just ok, in case you haven't seen them and want to know:)) 1) Ravenous This is an old horror-ish film, and I can't believe I just saw it.! It's definitely different in terms of the tone of the film, and because it deals with cannibalism, it's definitely gory but still a great watch. 2) The Thing Also an old horror/sci-fi film, and this one was just ok but still a good watch. 3) The Wind Rises This is such a great Miyazaki film! Love love love. 4) The King After seeing Dune, I really became a Chalamet fan and decided to finally give this a go on ...