Currently loving #56

This year, I decided to read a lot more t han previous years. It's been a great start to the year so far, so yay! (If you're on Goodreads, here's my account:) Anyhoo, I decided to get a new Kobo (my old one broke around 2015....LOLZ), and man, it's been such a game changer! It definitely increased my book-reading mojo. Plus, it's so easy to borrow books from the library using Overdrive! It's a Kobo Clara 2E Personalized my cover with stickers. Can you guess from what TV show that pineapple one refers to? Hehe I still, however, love to buy physical books. The ones below are the recent acquisitions. Have read most of them already:D (The Devil of Nanking and Book of Night were two books I borrowed from the library but ended up buying my own copies coz I loved them so much!) And can you guess who my current fave authors are? LOLZ Here we are buying more books:D What are you reading currently?