
Showing posts from May, 2023

Fly away

 I haven't bought a top in awhile, but I really loved this sweatshirt from H&M so I purchased it:) H&M Boston sweatshirt, UNIQLO pants, J Crew ballet flats Have you purchased a new clothing item lately?

Lilac love

 My mom gave me this top for Mother's Day and I am totally loving it! We don't see each other eye to eye most of the time (hahaha) but I do like the tops she gets me:D I love knot shirts for sure. worn with UNIQLO pants and Vans sneakers To my Canadian readers, Happy Victoria Day! Anyhoo, do you like knot shirts too? There's just something so summer-y about them.

Life lately- Spring 2023

 Just wanna share some stuff our family has been up to:) 1) Book shopping (of course, hahaha) 2) My sons got new belts for Brazilian jiu-jitsu. 3) My family attended the ordination of the priest we got to know in our parish (Father Savio). He was the one who trained my son to be an altar server. It was such a lovely and solemn ceremony at St. Michael's Cathedral. at his reception:) Here's a short video of the world-renowned St. Michael's School's Senior Choir singing during the ceremony.  4) Mother's Day dinner:) What have you been doing lately? Do tell!

What have I been watching #36

 Because I've been reading more, my TV/film watching time had gone down a bit, but I thought I'd share what I've seen since my last update that I liked:) 1) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 Really loved this movie. Great end to the trilogy. 2) Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 My middle child got me hooked on this animĆ©! Amazeballz:) 3)Chainsaw Man My eldest son got me hooked on this one. Another amazing animĆ© done by Mappa (who did the later seasons of Attack on Titan). 4) Nope Finally saw this, and loved this too:) I'm a big Jordan Peele fan! 5) X First movie of Ti West's horror trilogy! Very gory for sure so I don't recommend it if you have a weak stomach, but man....great acting from all the cast! What I didn't like: My Best Friend's Excorcism I loved the book by Grady Hendrix, but this movie (done by Amazon) was not a good adaptation AT ALL, which makes me mad! Go read the book, but don''t see the movie. What have you been watching lately?

Markham Comic Con 2023

 We had a chance to go to the Markham Comic Con this weekend. It's a small event, but we all liked it coz it was a more intimate affair, and we were actually able to talk to the artists we bought some stuff from:) Here are some pics:) My daughter was the only one who dressed up:D (Umbrella Academy costume) A short video: Our haul:) Gojo Satoru figurine from Jujutsu Kaisen prints and stickers from some artists there:) posters and a comic for my daughter Do you guys like going to conventions?