
Showing posts from July, 2023

Floral arrangement

 I've worn this H&M dress on this blog so many times over the years, and I still love it:) Do you have an item of clothing that you just wear over and over throughout the years?

Currently loving #57

 Stuff I'm digging lately:) 1) High cut sneakers my old sneakers from Converse and Vans 2) Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez I love love love this Rare Beauty eyeshadow stick in Adventure so much! 3) My new phone I've been an Android girl for so long but decided to finally switch to iphone since all our other tech stuff is Apple anyway. Must admit...I am loving it! Wanted a small phone so I got the iPhone 13 mini (in Pink hahaha) What are you loving lately?

RIP Jane Birkin

 Anyone with a modicum of interest in fashion knows who Jane Birkin is...a true fashion icon. You will be missed, Ms. Birkin. šŸ’” images from

Beginning of street festival season

 As summer is now here, Toronto comes alive with festivals. What can I say? Our harsh winters make us Canadians really itchy to be out and about when the sun is finally out...LOLZ This weekend, our family was able to go to the Taste of Lawrence. It's not a big one, but it was still fun to walk around, see some live performances and eat all the food! We were there early, so it was fairly quiet, but it was crazy by the time we left.

Life lately- end of the school year 2023

 Soooo....the last week of school is always crazy in our household, but this year was crazier than usual coz my middle and youngest children both graduated (high school and elementary)! Wut?!?! This was the dress I wore during the tea ceremony at my wedding and it fits her now!  We also just celebrated Canada Day! Here are some pics I took over the weekend. My daughter wanted to show off her custom-designed Batman shoes she made hahaha How was your weekend?