Blue and floral

I'm sorry for the lacklustre title, but I seriously have a brain fart sometimes when trying to come up with titles for blog posts. This was the best I could come up with...
husband's shirt, H&M pants, Joe's Jeans booties

Anyhoo, do you guys have a trick on how to have all these creative blog titles? Do tell your secret:)


rooth said…
Those pants are FAB! It's tough to come up with titles, especially if you post as often as you do. You could always go with a theme... a twist on movie or book titles? Song lyrics or titles?
My Vintage Curves said…
This is one of your best looks! These pants fit so good on you
Ann said…
Oh you look good in that floral pants...
I'm not sure if I'll look half as good wearing one.
Shoe Belle said…
I like this look! Esp with the new boots. Which reminds me, I have these pants that I think I'll wear soon hahaha
Ceciliette said…
I would tell you to look for inspiration in music! lyrics always had to many good titles ;)
Unknown said…
I love the pants & the effortless way you styled it!
Andi said…
It is so hard to come up with clever titles!
LV said…
Those pants are so cute! I have been on the fence about them for a while, but they look so good o you.
Floortje said…
I really like your blog dear!
Keep posting, you do it great!

Oh to Be a Muse said…
Really diggin' the floral pants. I put a lot of effort into my post titles for the most part, and I don't even know if people realize it, lol. It can be time consuming.
Josie said…
I'm so rubbish at coming up with titles haha! I love your trousers, jel you got em they sold out sooo fast! xxx
I love, love, love those pants! Sometimes I can come up with good titles, and sometimes nothing. I am always putting notes into my iphone or emailing them to myself when I think of good future titles. It is rare that I get to use them though.
I find inspiration is song lyrics and in books and tv. More often than not, I just give my post a descriptive title regarding what the post is about.

Emmylou said…
Thanks, everyone, for the comments and tips:) Much appreciated. I do think non-bloggers sometimes take the title (and how come up with them) for granted:P
Francesca said…
Beautiful pants! I know, coming up with titles is so hard! I usually just do something mood related, related to the outfit or a song title!
lucia m said…
i love those pants!

June said…
I Want those pants!!!!!! They look fab Emmy!!
Vision By Mila said…
I've seen this floral motif is trendy now, maybe I should buy something floral too, there are currently a lot of stripes in my closet..
Elle Sees said…
super cute on you! love the pants

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