Wishful thinking

I wish denim mini skirts would come back in style in a big way, just because I like 'em.
H&M top, Old Navy denim skirt, Joe's Jeans booties

This pic just makes me laugh.

LOVE.THESE.BOOTS...even though they're new, no breaking-in period:)
What do you think? YAY or NAY for jean skirts? Mind you, I think I've been liking them lately just because this summer has been boiling hot.:P


My Vintage Curves said…
your skirt is so cool, it fit amazingly on you!!!!
I love your brand new booties as well
definite yes to denim skirts!
especially after seeing this ripped one: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GG572VPENqo/T7tA-fPCVoI/AAAAAAAAH5o/Eq6XfivwE-c/s1600/get+the+look+ripped+denim+jean+skirt+street+style.jpg

from helen at www.thelovecatsinc.com // @thelovecatsinc
rooth said…
Oh boy I haven't worn a denim skirt in forever. But I'm also not that much of a skirt gal. The picture with you and your little one is too cute
Beauty Follower said…
I like little one's red boots ;)
Shoe Belle said…
HAH that 2nd pic just makes me laugh too! Love both booties:p
Allison said…
This skirt look great on you! For me, I'm usually not a fan but you have made me rethink the way I feel about them! :)

P.S. I'm having an INTERNATIONAL $75 Shopbop giveaway on my blog, so don't forget to enter! :)
A's Fashion Files
$75 Shopbop Giveaway!
Unknown said…
Denim skirts - definite yay for us, your post just inspired us. The photo with you and your daughter is really cute.

Oh to Be a Muse said…
Love that you didn't need to break in those booties. I'm still breaking in my new flats. Btw, you can make denim mini skirts come back in a big way! It's all up to you. :)
Anonyme. said…
That is a great outfit ! I love <3 !
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Elle Sees said…
ahhhh your daughter! too cute.
Francesca said…
Beautiful boots! Very nice blog!

Yay for jeans skirts! I have one that I wear (and you are so much cooler than I am).


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