"Practice...not magic."

I was never one of those artistic people who have been drawing or painting their whole lives. It wasn't until 2001 when I went with a friend to a legit art store that I thought I'd give it a a try. My friend knew I really love art and said just to go for it. So, I bought a set of pencils, a beginner learn-to-draw book and a sketchbook, and off I went. I thought I'd share some old and new stuff I've done here (some on my sketchbooks and some on canvas), not because they're amazing or anything like that. Unfortunately, I never have hours and hours on end to practice, and have more bad days than good. It is something I enjoy, however, and I say to everyone (especially those who think they're not artistically inclined) that we all don't have to be artists making masterpieces. There will always be people who will hate and criticize what you do, but sometimes, there are also people who will like it and tell you to go on. The blog post title is something ...