"Practice...not magic."

I was never one of those artistic people who have been drawing or painting their whole lives. It wasn't until 2001 when I went with a friend to a legit art store that I thought I'd give it a a try. My friend knew I really love art and said just to go for it.

So, I bought a set of pencils, a beginner learn-to-draw book and a sketchbook, and off I went.

I thought I'd share some old and new stuff I've done here (some on my sketchbooks and some on canvas), not because they're amazing or anything like that. Unfortunately, I never have hours and  hours on end to practice, and have more bad days than good.

It is something I enjoy, however, and I say to everyone (especially those who think they're not artistically inclined) that we all don't have to be artists making masterpieces. There will always be people who will hate and criticize what you do, but sometimes, there are also people who will like it and tell you to go on.

The blog post title is something Zoe Hong always says on her videos and it really inspires me to push on every time I feel disheartened. If we do something we love and we do it long enough, we will eventually get there.

Old sketches

Practice using Andrew Loomis' Fun With Pencil book. I highly recommend any book by Andrew Loomis.

 The next two are oil on canvas that I did doing Craftsy classes. This was around 2015.
following Craftsy's Paint and Palette Essesntials class

following Acrylic Landscape Painting class (but I used oils instead)

A recent art journal page (using mixed media) doing Jane Davenport's class 
following Jane Davenport's Supplies Me class

Quick sketch (using drawing pastel and oil pastel) inspired by Aaron Blaise 
(I just bought his Drawing Anatomy course and I'm super excited! Also, I may be addicted to  online classes.)

 Oil on canvas board

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
                                                                             - Pablo Picasso


The Glossychic said…
Wow! I really admire your work. Keep the good work and the sky shall be your only limit.
The Glossychic
Wonder Cottage

Rowena @ rolala loves said…
This is so cool Emmy! It doesn't matter what anyone else, thinks, all that matters is what you enjoy doing. The paintings all look really good to me :D
Midnight Cowgirl said…
I love that you share your creative pursuits! I wish I could draw half as well as you :)
Mica said…
You are so talented! I love that elephant and your canvas paintings are stunning! :) I'd love to be creative - my dad is amazing, he makes music, takes photos and can draw incredibly well. I sadly have none of those talents, but as you said, the enjoyment is from the creating more than anything. I'm so glad you are enjoying your courses :)

Hope that your week is off to a great start! The weekday wear linkup is live on my blog, I'd love you to join! :)

Away From The Blue
Wow. Wow. Wow. I am truly in awe of you. Already you inspire me with your incredible fashion sense, ability to sew and create clothes, and take stunning photographs. Your art just takes that inspiration to a whole other level. WOW! You are just so talented. All of these pieces are so well done. That art journal page just takes my breath away. It's such a wonderful piece.
Unknown said…
I wish I was a person that could say I’ve been drawing my entire house, but I haven’t. But practice makes perfect, right :) wow Look at all your practice :) It totally paid off. Love your progress Emm :)
Kinga K. said…
Very good pictures ♥
Marisa Cavaleiro said…
Hi Emmy
You must go on!!
You are an artist you have tha view and attitude.
Love your work especially the studies, the body studies and the elephant!!
Dont give up!!

Wow you have really made progress. And your productive. Great work. And the title is so true, regardless of what it is you want to do, you have to put in the time. Many people do not want to do this. They want it to be easy

Allie of
fashionably Idu said…
You got bars girl! I love your sketches, very well done!!!

iamperlita said…
These are all so great! I am a sucker for arts and crafts! Seeing your work gave me an itch to bust out all the supplies, but if I do, I'll think I need more and end up at the crafts store. Lol Have a lovely weekend! ♥
PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com

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