What have I been watching #13

Some old and new stuff I've just seen that I liked:D 1) Between Two Ferns: The Movie If you're a fan of Zach's internet show on FunnyOrDie.com, then you will love this film (on Netflix). The premise is kinda stupid but the interviews with the celebs (which is the heart of the show and the movie) are just fun to watch. Fave one was the Keanu Reeves bit:D Also love Paul Rudd's, and the bloopers at the end were pretty kewl. 2) Criminal UK This is a new Netflix show, and has different versions (four episodes from UK, France, Germany, Spain), but this is the only one I've seen so far and I liked it. It's a police procedural show, and has a brilliant cast and dialogue. (PS David Tennant was in the first episode, and was brilliant was always, but man...Hayley Atwell was just amazing and really stole that episode she was on.) 3) Suspiria This was a re-make of the 1977 horror movie (which I haven't seen yet), and even though I think Dakota Johnson ...