It's been 84 years.

If you've been following me for awhile, you guys might remember that I'm doing the Master Hand Knitter certification program offered by The Knitting Guild Association.

I started the last level in 2016....yes...2016, you guys! Holy crap! Where did the time go? TBH, I ended up not working on it consistently. I lost my knitting mojo sometimes. I took another knitting course by TKGA. I started drawing and sewing more during my spare time. Life happened.

Well, I'm happy to say I finally submitted my work for review! YAY! It was a lot of work, and never really thought I can finish it, but hubby was encouraging me along the way.

I would like to share the hat and sweater I designed and knitted for the program, and also show you the video of the binder I submitted.
This sweater is inspired by the Norwegian Setesdal sweaters. I named this sweater design after my hubby, who also modelled it:)

This was knit in pieces and seamed together. If you knit, you'll know that sweaters like this are usually knit circularly but I decided to knit it flat.

Cabled hat (Aran inspired)

Me wearing the prototype and my eldest modelling:)
Video of the binder I submitted. Lots of written work.

Let me add that my work has not been reviewed yet. I just mailed it out, and it takes a few months to get the feedback back. There are re-submissions as well that I know I'll have to do, but for now, I'm happy to have done the first step!


Mica said…
Well done on submitting! The heats and the knit look amazing - so much detail in that knit I never would have expected it to be handmade! You did a great job!

Hope that your week is off to a good start :)

Away From Blue
Adam said…
I can only imagine how long it must take to make those. You must have a lot of patience.
LL Cool Joe said…
Wow you are talented. I hope when your work is reviewed you pass with flying colours. And how kind of your hubby to model that sweater as I know he hates having his photo taken. :D
Oh my goodness! The amount of work you've done is truly astounding. And the pieces you created are just wonderful. It inspires me so much to see all of your creativity and dedication. You are incredible, talented, and so hard working. I know you'll have excellent reviews when you hear back!
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Look at that awesome craftsmanship! Congratulations on finishing this beautiful sweater and for your submission! Hwaiting chingu ! Looking forward to hearing about the awesome feedback you're going to be getting. I'm so happy that I have my own Emmy original <3 It will soon be chilly enough to wear it again too :)
Carolyna's world said…
This sweater is so beautiful xx
rooth said…
WoW! That is so impressive and great work!
Sharon said…
Wow I always knew you were creative, but I had no idea you're so super talented too! I love that sweater, and that hat looks so comfy and warm!
Marisa Cavaleiro said…
OMG Emmy you did a great work, I love handmade work and if we do the work the sentimental value is so great! well done Emmy, and I love to watch your little works on the video!!

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