
Showing posts from January, 2020

What have I been watching #15

Movies and shows I've seen or currently watching that I am loving:) all images from IMDB  1) Parasite I've seen all the hype and man....this was worth all the accolades it got. I've always loved Bong Joon Ho's works, and this one is one of the best. You can't really go wrong with any films with the actor Song Kang Ho as well. (This movie also made me wanna learn morse code...just saying....)  2) The Outsider I should've started watching this show when all the episodes are already out because man....I hate waiting, but this show (based on Stephen King's book which I now want to read) is sooooo good! I love the premise, and the cast. Gory in some scenes, but if you can get by those, this is worth it. 3) Season 3 of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina  If you've seen my older posts, you guys know I love this series, so I'm so happy the new season is out. Trying hard not to binge-watch it, so I'm currently on Episode 4. It...

Kung Hei Fat Choi 2020

Belated Happy Chinese New Year to all those who celebrated it:) I just thought I'd share the pics I took of the CNY dinner we had with my husband's family. my fave dish of the night hehe with my mum Honestly, the beginning of this year has not been great, personally and also just looking at what is happening to the world, so I'm praying that things look up soon for all of us.

Window shopping

Since it's a no-buy year for me when it comes to clothes and shoes, I've been doing a lot of just walking around and seeing stuff in stores that I would like to make. Here are my current finds:D

Life before blogging

I've been clearing my Flickr account of old pics and thought I'd share some photos here. so-called life before Scarberian Fashion Lover:D one of the last pics I had with my dad before he passed away when my youngest was born:)

Currently Loving #50

A smorgasbord of stuff I've been loving recently:) 1) Art of Discarding by Nagisa Tatsumi This book preceded KonMari, and am currently reading it  because this started the discarding craze in Japan when it came out in 2000. It's a great book that really complements Marie Kondo's method (who was inspired by the book herself). The ff. movies are now available on Amazon Prime. 2) Midsommar image from  I finally got the chance to this movie and I now get the hype. Ari Aster did such an awesome job writing and directing Hereditary, and Midsommar was such a great follow up. 3) Predestination image from This is an old movie (came out 2014) but I just recently saw it and oh...em...gee. If you're a fan of time travel movies such as Looper, you will love this one. Sarah! What a fantastic actress. 3) John Wick 3: Parabellum image from Keanu Reeves....nuff said. 4) Whimsical and Wild and Imagine Out Lou...

Inspiration: Zoƫ Kravitz at the Golden Globes

I've featured Zoƫ before in this post , but man....she looked so stunning at the Golden Globes this past Sunday (Jan 5th) that I wanted to show off her awesomeness again. image from (Saint Laurent dress) image from Who was your fave look at the GG? I actually didn't watch it live, but just saw the highlights.

My 2020 Goal

Happy New Year, everyone! Gosh! insane is that? To start off the year, I thought an outfit post with my new fave shoes is in order:D old top from my mum, UNIQLO pants, Ecco Incise Urban boots  I posted these boots on my last Boxing Day purchase. I really love them, as they're just sooooo comfy. On that note, I'd like to post here my goals for 2020, which is basically to incorporate a more sustainable lifestyle in our household, may it be by walking more instead of driving, recycling/re-using more, or buying less of everything.  Even though this post did feature new shoes, my goal this year is to minimize buying shoes, clothes and accessories, no buying at all if possible. This pair is my last one for 2019, and hopefully the last for a loooooong time.  I must admit that 2019 has not been bad. Even with the few stuff I bought, I ended up donating an item to compensate. My hubby suggested the "one in, one out" rule since we did...