Life before blogging

I've been clearing my Flickr account of old pics and thought I'd share some photos here. so-called life before Scarberian Fashion Lover:D

one of the last pics I had with my dad before he passed away

when my youngest was born:)


Oh wow! So many special and happy moments. It's always nice to look back at pictures from the past and see how much has changed - and how much has stayed the same. I'm so glad you were able to look through some beautiful pictures and share them with us all.
the creation of beauty is art.
rooth said…
Look at those babies! I can't believe how quickly (it's seemed) they've grown
R's Rue said…
Beautiful memories.
Mica said…
What a fun flashback! My friend was just saying the other day that she lost all these photos when a site closed - I really should have a look through and make sure I don't have any photos left online somewhere! I have a few pre-blogging, mostly on photobucket I think!

Hope that your week is going well :)

Away From Blue
Oh wow look at all these sweet memories chingu! My how your babies have grown! That photo with your dad is really lovely. Thanks for the reminder that I need to clean out my old Flickr account as well.
Adam said…
Oh wow, those are from way back.
Evi Erlinda said…
Very sweet and lovely photos!
Oh these are the sweetest, especially the one with your dad. Thanks for sharing these with us. I never uploaded any photos online, with exception to FB. I kept all my photos in folders on old computers, then I moved them to my iPod and then I have no idea where they ended up. I wish I had taken better care of all those photos because they can be so precious. I helped my mum "Marie Kondo" her home and in the process we sold a lot of older cameras and a video recorder. It was amazing how many videos were still on that recorder. Most were of my late aunt playing with my (then puppy) dog. Even some of us all travelling together. I managed to transfer them to my laptop and dropbox for safe keeping.

I love these sweet and tender memories that you're sharing. A couple years back when I lost some images, I now save my photos two ways, on a separate backup hardrive and cloud service. Have a great new week. <3
Hena Tayeb said…
Oh look at all these beautiful pictures.. so many wonderful memories..
Sharon said…
Such beautiful photos, of such special memories :)
Makeup Muddle said…
These are just lovely photos thank you for sharing them with us. Your children are beautiful xo

Makeup Muddle

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