
Showing posts from November, 2020

Obsession #52

If you guys have been reading my blog for awhile, you may know that I am a huge fan of Isabel Marant, and when I saw the Spring 2021 collection, I fell really hard for some of the pieces, you guys! Her shoes....aaaaaaaaah! all images from Who is your current fave fashion designer?

Quarantine Life #4

 Soooo...our city is back in lockdown, you guys. Non-essential stores are all closed; our church is closed for 4 weeks. Schools are still going on though, but aside from that, it's pretty much like when lockdown happened in spring. Why? Because people are stupid and don't wear masks and still do social gatherings.... Anyhoo...thought I'd just share some of the stuff we've been up to lately:) Going out for walks/bike ride/scootering is our staple weekend activity:) at home:D One of the books I'm currently reading and highly recommend especially if you're into anything housekeeping: Home Comforts Watching a show I just discovered: Nate And Jeremiah: Save My House My daughter finally harvested the carrots she planted in early fall:D Yesterday at church...the last mass before lockdown:( How is it where you are? Is your city almost back to normal? What have you even up to lately?

Gotta love Jang Seung Jo ģž„ģŠ¹ģ”°

image from  Sooooo...I am currently binge-watching the show The Good Detective on Netflix, and guys, I'm just obsessing over one of the main leads, Jang Seung Jo. I love the character that he plays, and he's also easy on the eyes....LOLZ. He also has great chemistry with the co-star Lee Elijah (who's so freaking gorgeous I can't even). image from image from image from Who's your current fave actor/actress? Do you watch Korean shows?

Currently Loving #52 (Deep clean edition)

 Sooooo...if you guys have been reading my blog for awhile, you may remember how I started KonMari'ing everything at the end of 2016. It's something I truly believe in and honestly, I like watching videos about other people de-cluttering. What happened was...YouTube started recommending these cleaning motivation videos on my feed, and a million videos later, plus binge-watching Hoarders, led me to deep-clean our house. Not just washing the walls and dusting everything, but I mean DEEP CLEANING, you guys...using toothpicks and toothbrushes to clean every little nook and cranny! (Our ceiling fans get dusty in a blink of an eye that I think there's an evil dust fairy living in our house.) I'm about a week-and-a-half into it, and I still have about 30% left to do (I still haven't touched our laundry room). Man...some days, I was up til 12 still finishing stuff and I get so pooped, but it does feel lovely to wake up to a clean house:D (My family thinks I'm crazy BTW...

Halloween 2020 (It's all new this year.)

 This is the first Halloween we've had that my family didn't Trick or Treat. Oh the whole scheme of things, it really wasn't too bad:) My youngest still dressed up for school though. (If you follow me on Twitter, you might have seen this already:D I had to take pics before she had to put on the mask for school.) And of course, I had to match her! LOLZ How was your Halloween this year?