Quarantine Life #4

 Soooo...our city is back in lockdown, you guys. Non-essential stores are all closed; our church is closed for 4 weeks. Schools are still going on though, but aside from that, it's pretty much like when lockdown happened in spring. Why? Because people are stupid and don't wear masks and still do social gatherings....

Anyhoo...thought I'd just share some of the stuff we've been up to lately:)

Going out for walks/bike ride/scootering is our staple weekend activity:)

at home:D

One of the books I'm currently reading and highly recommend especially if you're into anything housekeeping: Home Comforts

Watching a show I just discovered: Nate And Jeremiah: Save My House

My daughter finally harvested the carrots she planted in early fall:D

Yesterday at church...the last mass before lockdown:(
How is it where you are? Is your city almost back to normal? What have you even up to lately?


Your pictures are beautiful! It is so upsetting that everything is locking down again. I feel like people were so good about doing the right thing for a long while....and then it just stopped. Everyone keeps having these large social gatherings and massive weddings. Sigh. I'm just frustrated. It's really hard to see the numbers climb. I hope you are doing well and are able to keep your spirits up <3
the creation of beauty is art.
Kathy Leonia said…
great photos:) that is so great that you try to smile in this hard times...
We are not in full lockdown here yet. Though schools are closed. Yes people can be beyond frustrating for sure. Love these photos!

Allie of
Adam said…
Everything isn’t really on lockdown here. A lot of places have a lot of people not wearing masks

Southerners are rather idiots, and that’s why we have so many cases of COVID-19 here
Mica said…
So sorry to hear you are back in lockdown :( I hope it's a short one for you! It's nice you are able to get out still and the kids can go to school, even if you have to do church online for a while.

Hope that your week is off to a good start :)

Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide
ellie said…
Oh, it is so scary these days. I wish our library was closed to the public again. Granted, we have fewer who come in and all our programs are via Zoom and people can sign up for kits to make and be in book clubs that way. It is scary. Back in Feb. we were closed to the public. Our schools have shut down in spite of our governor's wishes. Remote learning will start soon.

BTW I love books on houskeeping. If only I was better organized.
Sakuranko said…
Oh so cute photos darling
Thanks for share with us darling
Beautiful your daughter
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
It sucks that you guys are back in lockdown. This is what happens when people are stupid and selfish but hopefully this will also bring down the cases in you area. Your family always finds a way to have fun no matter what ;) Just take care and stay safe <3 I think NYC may be headed towards another lockdown soon if things don't get better. People here are just acting like everything is normal and it's quite dismaying. I'm just glad I'm done with PT so I have no reason to have to go out regularly. Been hanging out on our terrace and getting a lot of miles in on our exercise bike lately.
Lovely said…
It's really annoying to know how irresponsible people act. Great pictures! I like that you are keeping your spirits high.
Yeah, it's crazy and still a bit scary that the world is still going through this. We have been back in lockdown again as well. I don't understand these people who STILL don't want to wear masks. I hope you're doing okay, stay warm ... saw all that snow! Wow!
I'm finally back, and we turned on the fireplace last week, haha. xo
Shybiker said…
My closest friend lives in your area (Mississauga) and when we video-chatted last week she told me about the returning restrictions. That's rough. I live in New York where things were terrible in the beginning, then eased up and are now okay. We wear masks but most businesses are open.
rooth said…
Things aren't locked down in Texas (haven't been since April basically). We're still staying pretty isolated, which is getting old, but it's nice to run to the store and get things instead of relying on online shipments all the time

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