Transforming Inès

 I got this Ines de la Fressange dress in 2016 and this was how I wore it.

I realized I never wore this dress much because honestly, I felt like it was too long on me, so I decided to make it shorter. 

I do like it a lot better shorter but don't wear it much...I don't know why:( The last time I wore it was 2019! Anyhow, I decided to bring it out again, and this was me wearing it this weekend.

old Ines de la Fressange for UNIQLO dress, worn with old UNIQLO pants and Doc Martens

I am a big Marie Kondo fan and was debating on keeping this or not. So glad I did! 

Do you have clothes you don't wear much but keep around?


ellie said…
Oh, you can get so much use out of it now. Looks like an essential fall to winter piece! I love it. So glad you kept it. It's always great to find a piece that has a better purpose after all..even if you have to tweek it. Just think you can use it with cardigans and other sweaters as it turns colder. So glad it has pockets. I have so many things I wish I could side pocket. I know I could do it, but finding the time and patiences is a total different story.
Adam said…
I threw out a lot of clothes before selling my house
Hena Tayeb said…
Pre pandemic I decided I would keep track of everything I wore within a year and get rid of anything I didn't minus like fancy clothes. But since we didn't go anywhere during lockdown I extended the project. I have already gotten rid of a bunch and only have a couple of things I haven't work yet.. many wintery so hopefully they will also get their turn.
So glad you decided to keep this piece! It is beautiful and so classic. You look radiant! And I love that you wore Doc Martens with it recently. They look amazing and really show how versatile the dress is. It can be simple and sweet or styled a little edgier. Love! There are certain pieces that I don't wear too often, but I keep around for just the right moment.
the creation of beauty is art.
Mica said…
It's such a cute dress and I love it shorter on you, it looks so good with the jeans under it! :) I find my wardrobe is a bit on the overflowing side so I have so many pieces in there I love but I don't wear them as regularly as I should. I haven't worn most of my office wear for quite some time with the pandemic and WFH so much, haha! trying to be a bit more ruthless with only keeping things I wear a lot but it's hard!

Hope you are having a lovely start to your week :)

Away From The Blue
rooth said…
I really try to purge my closet but there are a few items I've kept (more for nostalgia sake). I like how you shortened the dress
The style of this dress is so classic and chic! You made a really good call to shorten it and keep it. It looks awesome styled with those cool red pants and Docs :D I'm pretty liberal with my closet cleanouts but I try to hang on to most of my timeless pieces because I do inevitably end up wearing them again.
When plan A doesn't work, go to plan B. I like it shorter! Looks great on you Emmy! I like the fact that you didn't just throw it out. Also try it with leggings. That might be another option.

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