
 I've had this daisy-printed jean jacket for awhile now (gifted from my mom), and I just recently found it in my closet! It's like shopping for a new item without having to pay for it...baahaha!

I thought this Pride butterfly was just the perfect background for this jacket:D

Are you a fan of jean jackets?


ellie said…
Adoring these butterfly photos! Yes, I love a good jean jacket although, I usually wear mine in late fall. At the moment I have my sunflower kimono to wear to work. You're jacket is so adorable!

Kind of under the weather due to that stinking cough. I thought I was over it, but evidently not. It's just a little cough, but I still have a viral something in my right lung (honestly, this kind of stuff has never happened to this extent before). It felt like someone was stabbing me in the middle of the night in the right side of my chest. I am on meds now and that has helped a great deal. But the little cough persist.

On a happy note, I did find someone to write with. He had been bugging me, wanting someone to RP with..so I gave in. It might work. He's Canadian. And it's someone from a site where make my sets for my stories. Perhaps I have been inspired from all the dramas I have been watching.

Happy July! Wishing you much joy with all your creativity!
Hena Tayeb said…
Super cute jacket. It's a special kind of joy when you find something in your closet you didn't even remember was there..
What a fun jacket chingu! Isn't it wonderful to rediscover things in your closet that you had forgotten about ;p I had a cute classic Levi's denim jacket that I never wore so I sold it in our recent yard sale. Since I barely wore it I didn't even miss it.
Adam said…
I've never owned a jean jacket. I don't know why as a kid but I just don't feel like they would be warm enough for me when it's cold

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