J. Crew at Yorkdale

I made the trek today to Yorkdale Mall today to visit the first J.Crew store in Canada that opened on August 18th. The opening was attended by none other than Jenna Lyons herself (the company's creative director).

This was the first time I've ever gone into a J.Crew store. Even when we would go to Buffalo, New York to do some outlet shopping, I've never gone into the J.Crew outlet store as I've always thought the style was too preppy for me. Boy, was I wrong!

Here are some pics I took with my phone.
One of my fave items...the booties, of course!
Gosh! I loved every item in the store- from the dresses, blazers and sweaters, to the basic jeans and tee. The bags and shoes were right up my alley. What a great collection, and all in all, I thought the layout was pretty awesome. I was surprised about the prices though, because I honestly thought J.Crew had the same price range as the Gap. Shows what I know, eh? Anyhoo, I was not planning on getting anything at all, but ended up with one item because I fell in love with the colour.
Oooo...stripes...big surprise...

The store was not packed, thank goodness! There were people, but the number was manageable. I even saw this TV personality ahead of the line, and was actually going to accost her to say hi, but I managed to control myself, as she did have a lot of stuff with her. I didn't want her to whack me with one of her bags!

Here's another store that just opened as well.
7 for All Mankind
I didn't go in though, as there was no one in the store at the time, and I hate going into empty stores especially if I know I'm not getting anything:(

Guess what else I bought in the mall? I didn't even know this book existed...heehee....
How can you go wrong with a book that has Tavi and Susie Lau?


Shoe Belle said…
Again, no fair!!!:p
I have read this post. This post is a nice one that similar to fashion designing company bangalore and fashion designing company andhra pradesh. That I will inform about your post to my friends and all the best for your future post..
since Jenna Lyons stepped up style in J.Crew has changed ... its super hot now and they're even showing a collection at Fashion Week!
Emmylou said…
It is amazing what Jenna has done for the brand! And ShoeBelle, betcha it's coming to Vancouver soon too.:P

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