Army surplus store

We had ad another free day (sister-in-law took the kids...thank you, L), so hubby and I decided to go downtown to walk around. It was a really a lovely day. The sun was out, but it wasn't hot. YAY! (I wish it would be like this everyday....sigh...)  We ended up at this store, and with my love for anything military (see blog here), I couldn't resist taking pics.

(taken with my phone)

Boots, boots, boots everywhere!

Love all these caps.

What hubby bought for oversized sweater:)
We also ended up at Holt Renfrew where I drooled on these...

...and also at Urban Outfitters, where I bought these as they were soooooo cheap:
Harem pants (I broke my ban...sigh...)

How was your weekend, guys? Any shopping score?


Viv said…
great finds, i found some cardigans at Urban over the weekend :) such a steal too (they were having an extra 50% off!)
lol Unfortunately no shopping scores. Seriously drooling over those Mulberrys. Both the orange and teal are abbsolute stunners too. Are those your children on the header? If so they are way to cute for words hehe. =)

Anonymous said…
love the mulberry bag
Emmylou said…
Thanks for taking the time to comment, guys. Viv, we had the same sale up here! Eeli, those are my crazy kids on the header. And that Mulberry bag is seriously too fab!
Rothco Military said…
Hi, just a moment back I was searching for the information on the same topic and now I am here. So much information, really well executed blog. This is really informative and I will for sure refer my friends the same. Thanks for sharing the post.
Unknown said…
Army and Navy cap's are really amazing. I really want to use Navy / Army caps .
Army Surplus Store

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