Celebration time!

Today is my second son's birthday. I like birthdays because it's a time for everyone to get a bit more dressed up. Any excuse, right? Bwahaha!

This was before leaving the house:
Zara dress, Aldo Fawson pumps

This was what I ended up really wearing:
Added a no-name blazer from Designer Depot and changed shoes to Jeffrey Campbell Rumble booties (more comfy)

This was what was hanging in the restaurant where we ate. It had a movie theme.

Are you guys having a winning weekend?


Awwwww you have such a beautiful smile hun. Your son is too cute for words too lol. Hope everything went fantastically for his big 2 bash ;) The red dress looks lovely on you too ^_^

Emmylou said…
Thanks for the lovely comment, Eeli:) You're a sweetie.
Claire and Vasia said…
Cute dress and funny photos...

Jax said…
Love your blazer with the dress; it looks so pulled together.

Emmylou said…
Thank you again for the comments:)

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