Boxing Day Madness

I have not gone shopping during Boxing Day for a couple of years, and decided to break that trend this year (Thanks again to my sister-in-law for watching the kids:)) My eldest sis from Vancouver is in town to celebrate the holidays with us, and we decided to make December 26th our annual sisters-shopaholic meeting. All I can say is... oh...em...gee! It's hard to think that our economy is the way it is when you see this amount of people shopping, eh?
line up for one of the stores

H&M jacket and top,  gifted GAP super chunky infinity scarf from younger sis, pants from Aritzia, Converse sneakers, Gwen Stefani for LeSportsac bag

What did you guys get for Boxing Day?


love your jacket and scarf! you have an amazing smile, too

from, helen @ thelovecatsINC
Style-Delights said…
I agree with you. Looks like economy is on the upturn again, judging by the number of eager shoppers this season!!!
Indy said…
Cute pink sneakers!
MrsBitchface said…
It's hard to think that our economy is the way it is when you see this amount of people shopping, eh?

I agree, totally, i dont know how they do it! hahaha love your look, so casual!

Ellie said…
Wow this is absolute madness!! My mom and I got tons of shoes for 75% off at Bloomingdales :)
Elle Sees said…
in america, it's more like take-back-the-stuff-you-didn't-like-for-xmas day. but so many good deals out there
Emmylou said… would be crazy here to do a return that day.

Thanks for the comments, everyone:) It truly is amazing what a sale can do to one's psyche when it comes to shopping.:)
Elly said…
love your sneakers! <3
Wow, you were very brave. I am not honestly sure I know what boxing day is exactly. However, the malls were crazy the day of Christmas in the states. I tried to go, but quickly aborted my mission.

Shes Dressing Up said…
Oh wow, so many people shopping! I haven't been to the post Christmas sales yet, braving it today!

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