New Year Dinner

We had a small and quiet New Year dinner held at my sister-in-law's place. Didn't go out at all on New Year's Eve, as that's never really been my scene (BIG NERD ALERT!:)). And...oh yeah...I have three young kids who are usually asleep by 8pm:)

Anyhoo, here are some pics taken on January 1st. Just wore a simple and relaxed outfit, as I wanted to be able to eat a lot and not suck my tummy in:)

Hot Topic sweater, tank top from Atmosphere, American Eagle jeans

The whole family for the first time on this blog!  (the only time hubby would let me show him:P)
Happy Tuesday, everyone:)


Ellie said…
These photos are adorable! Hope you had a happy new year!!

MrsBitchface said…
wowww!!! lkove them!!! so cute!!! amazing family!

Unknown said…
cute pictures! happy new year!
Emmylou said…
Thank, guys:) HNY to you as well.
Shoe Belle said…
Love em all pix!:)
Aie Corpuz said…
So cute! Cool blog by the way! New follower here! =)
Crazy for fashion said…
Great pictures! I love your sweater! <3<3
MrsBitchface said…
so lovely family!!

Michelle Lee said…
lovely post happy new year :)
I love your little girl's dress and your sweatshirt. Love the new hairdo! It looks so cute on you.

June said…
Aww you guys are so super cute!!
Your daughter is a doll!!

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