
Showing posts from February, 2012

Hanging out with the boys

I spend most of my waking hours with my daughter, so I thought I'd have a day just with the boys...yes...that included the hubby. My hubby's family was kind enough to take the little one for a few hours:) H&M jacket and pants, O'Neill hoodie, top from Aritzia, DV by Dolce Vita boots I'm kinda weird with shoes, coz I love when they look so worn in. waiting for the movie to start Happy Wednesday, everyone!:)

Recipe: Beef Stew

I thought I'd post my first recipe, after seeing Mulberry blog about this Tom Aiken recipe . I figured, if a luxury fashion brand company can blog about food, so can I! :P (BTW, I will definitely try this Aiken slow roast lamb and post the results here.) I love making stews and braises, especially during the winter. There's something about their smell that just screams "comfort". Plus, they're soooo easy to make. I've only been cooking and baking for about two years, and stews are one of the primary dishes that anyone can do.  Here's my beef stew recipe, which is pretty much influenced by a combination of recipes I've read from Jean Anderson's Falling Off The Bone and Molly Steven's All About Braising (I highly recommend these two books...worth every penny) that I've made into my own. Ingredients: 5 quart cast-iron pot or a Dutch oven (I use a 7 quart, as that's all we have, but the 5 qt is the best all-around size.) 4 strips ...

You're not even trying!

Another basic outfit, just running around...Some might say, "Dude, this chick doesn't even try!" I say thee, nay! If not for this blog, I would be traipsing around town in pullovers and sweat pants...oh, wait a minute... H&M parka, Zara pullover, H&M/Dragon Tattoo Collection pants, Walmart scarf, Ugg Australia Adirondacks best winter boots ....ever! Have a great weekend, everyone! Any special plans?


These two items are in my "things I can't live without" list. I always have one or the other in my purse. They're both so versatile, and can use them anywhere (lips, hands, knees and elbows... anywhere!). The kids and I suffer from eczema during winter, and these babies are such life savers. only two ingredients: extra virgin olive oil and beeswax really a glorified petroleum jelly, but much much better! Do you guys have all-purpose item you can't live without? Do tell! P.S.  Because the Lenten season started yesterday, I'm supposed to give up something for 40 days (until Easter), and this year, I've decided it will be chocolate. I thought I'd announce it here so I'll actually be forced to do it this time...wish me luck:P

Feliz CumpleaƱos

We just celebrated my eldest son's birthday, and the family went out to dinner for a small gathering. It was a joyous occasion but to be honest with you, it was also bittersweet. I can't believe how fast time flies by....and it seems like the older the kids get, the more I feel like I have to hold on to them harder...sigh... F21 jacket, top from Aritzia, Levis jeans, no-name boots the birthday boy "It might not be my birthday, but I'm still the star!" the day he was born:) My son was born with some health problems, most obvious being the cleft lip and palate, but we're thankful everyday that none of them was life-threatening, and that he has great doctors who look after him. He might drive us crazy most days, but he's the sweetest and funniest kid I know:)


This is one hairstyle I've been loving lately. One plus is that I don't have to do too much. I just put the front part up, twist it a bit, then clip it. Yipee for less hair work!:P Danier jacket, F21 cardi, H&M shirt, Urban Planet leggings, Frye boots

Isabel Marant (aka Obsession #12)

"Marant clothes make you feel great. And the look is pure-Parisian; beautifully-made clothes, no logo, not ridiculously over-priced, and as comfortable as your favorite jeans." - p76 , Ines de la Fressange, from the book Parisian Chic images from Fidji pants Eva sweater My faves out of her Spring-Summer 2012 collection (image from Do you guys love Isabel Marant? My dream is that she would do a collabo with H&M...I would die! Happy Friday, y'all!

Plaid when in doubt

Another day spent just doing errands when the boys were in school, so this outfit was pretty basic. Why post it? Because I can! Bwa ha ha! H&M parka, top from Hot Topic, LEI jeans from Walmart, Aldo Bubb boots Happy Wednesday to everyone:)

New in...Bubb

I don't think my obsession over ankle boots will ever end...sigh...but they are just so darn versatile! Aldo Bubb boots in taupe Got them on sale, too! Woot!

Sporty Spice

Every time I wear this jacket, I'm reminded of Mel C of the Spice Girls. Nowadays, however, I guess it is more linked to Sue Sylvester of Glee (who is the most awesome character on that show!)... Adidas jacket, American Eagle vest, Riley shirt inside, ancient Old Navy jeans, Converse sneakers Do guys love my two props (a.k.a hubby and daughter)? Bwa ha ha... Have a great weekend, y'all! I know I know why? Breaking Dawn- Part 1 is out on DVD today! :P's February after all.

Hubby and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day, but I thought I'd wear a red and pink outfit because...well, there's nothing wrong with a little red and pink any day, eh? :) F21 jacket, H&M/Dragon Tattoo Collection hooded cardi and sneakers, Juicy Couture pink shirt, What do you guys have planned for VDay? Do tell:)