Feliz Cumpleaños

We just celebrated my eldest son's birthday, and the family went out to dinner for a small gathering. It was a joyous occasion but to be honest with you, it was also bittersweet. I can't believe how fast time flies by....and it seems like the older the kids get, the more I feel like I have to hold on to them harder...sigh...
F21 jacket, top from Aritzia, Levis jeans, no-name boots
the birthday boy

"It might not be my birthday, but I'm still the star!"

the day he was born:)
My son was born with some health problems, most obvious being the cleft lip and palate, but we're thankful everyday that none of them was life-threatening, and that he has great doctors who look after him. He might drive us crazy most days, but he's the sweetest and funniest kid I know:)


Vanessa V. said…
Awwww so sweet :)

HB to your boy eheh
rooth said…
Aww, happy birthday to him - look at him grinning all over that cake!
Ceciliette said…
i think i´ve said it before, your jacket rules!
I´m so craving for a cake after this post!!!
Your little boy is so cute. good to know that there´s nothing life-threatening going on. I hope he grows up on a handsome man ;) as i know he will!

Bonnie said…
Red leather jackets are my FAVORITE things ever. Seriously.

Twitter: @GlamKitten88
I'm glad he had a fun birthday :)! The cake looks amazing! <3
So pretty! These photos are so lovely! LOVE the leather jacket it!!!

ox from NYC!

Elle Sees said…
He's come so far already in life! Such beautiful kids, as always.
Emmylou said…
Thanks so much, everyone, for the sweet comments:)
Bad Joan said…
Lovely post!

xxx said…
Great pictures! The little kid is cute! ♥
Unknown said…

Your kids are gorgeous and happy birthday to your amazing son!

You look lovely and the cake look good.
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh, i'm obsessed with those hot pink baby uggs!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
your son is growing up beautifully! so nice to be able to celebrate his birthday (go Pisces!).

love your F21 red jacket!

Come enter my Sadee Says giveaway!
MrsBitchface said…
and it seems like the older the kids get, the more I feel like I have to hold on to them harder...sigh..

hahahahahha that killed me!!! a very happy bday to your son, so I and he have to celebrate the bday together, right?? hahaha hope you have enjoyed that celebration, and im sure that the little star wanted blow out the candles, how sweet she is!

LV said…
Great photos! Yes, they grow up so fast. Happy birthday to your son! I love your red jacket:-)
Emmylou said…
Thanks for the nice comments and bday wishes, guys:) I showed him this post, and he seems to like it:)
@MrsBitchface: I definitely have a problem letting go:P
erica marie said…
Aww how sweet, happy birthday to him. He has the cutest eyes.

xo erica
Sofie said…
so sweet! wish your son a happy bday from me :) ♥
Shara said…
lov love love ur jacket !and the kids are awesome!! kisses La Folie 

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