A leopard never changes its spots.

These jeans are a new acquisition from Target, and I'm kinda obsessed with them. They're a great substitute for the Current Elliott The Stiletto jeans that's so popular.
F21 top, pants from Target, Dv by Dolce Vita booties


i love love love those jeans!
pity we don't have a target here in the UK or i'd be buying them right now!

helen @ http://thelovecatsinc.blogspot.com
lucia m said…

Yeahh!! I like it! So chic!
Your little boy is adorable!! :)

xoxo from München
La Vie Quotidienne
rooth said…
Emmy you look fantastic. I bought boots (finally!) and will be posting pics of them soon!
Shoe Belle said…
Love those jeans! You're right, a very good sub for sure. The lil head in the corner is too funny!
When I was at Target yesterday, I was tempting
to buy it but I wasn't able to because Mr.Freddy was a lil' bit naughty. You know how difficult it is to shop with kids.

Those leopard pants looks great on you!
I agree, good sub for Current Elliot jeans.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
wow, they look just like those $200 jeans, but I know you got them for a much more reasonable price. looking fab!
Anonymous said…
I like those jeans. :)
Unknown said…
You guys look amazing with your edgy haircuts & I'm loving your pants!

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