Currently loving #2

Some random items I've been kinda obsessing over lately (all taken with my old iPhone)...
Korean Gamjatang (pork bone soup)

Avene Thermal Spring Water spray (I've actually been using this for awhile. It's a lifesaver every time my face gets irritated)

Outliers by Gladwell - an excellently-written book that brings forth very interesting ideas about how people succeed. Guys, the section on plane crashes alone is worth the price of this gem.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians- I love love love this series! I can't believe I just discovered Rick Riordan! (PS. Too bad they changed sooo much in the movie:( )
This Ikea peeler is the best...peeler...ever (and it's only $2!)

EOS lip balm - My sis-in-law gave this to me, and I'm hooked. So's the little one:)
Well, that's it for now:) What are you guys loving lately?


Elle Sees said…
ahhhh!! she's so cute. i need that book
Oh to Be a Muse said…
I don't know why I've never thought to own a water sprayer to spritz my face. That would be great. And the EOS lip balm is cute.
Style-Delights said…
This book is so awesome!! I loved it!
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Style-Delights Blog
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LV said…
Great list! and what a cutey!!!!
NaNa said…
Loooooove gamjatang! Even had it yesterday ^^

Love from the NaNa girls xoxo
Shes Dressing Up said…
I've never read the Percy Jackson books but I'm tempted to now!
Sootjeelina said…
Nice post! I'm currently loving my River Island sneakers and green tea!

xoxo Sootjeelina <3
Ceciliette said…
i love some food porn on the posts!!!!!! too bad they made me hungry! ahahaahah

Vision By Mila said…
I have to try Avene as well, I hope they have it in Finland, if not, to be ordered :)
Beauty Follower said…
Just bought that Ikea peeler
i totaly agree
is the best...peeler...ever!$2!)
Shoe Belle said…
Food looks yummy, loving the pic of the lil one, and definitely checking out that book!:p
Alterdelenda said…
I've noticed quite a few people saying that lip balm is awesome. I think I need to go out and get one to try!
Kai Darul said…
great post. i also wanna own that lipbalm.

btw, i followed you. it would be nice if you follow back. thanks. <3
Emmylou said…
Thanks for the comments, everyone:) Am glad that you guys agree with some of my picks:) I honestly think these items are worth it.
June said…
I love EOS too! Love your little girl!
I Want It All

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