Blame it on the rain!

It has been really rainy the past few days, which you think would be great after all the heat. Unfortunately, the rain makes the humidity much worse...sigh....
Old Navy dress, no-name wellies from Canadian Tire (I was waving at the kids who wanted to be in the pics,  of course!)

Have a great Monday, everyone:)


MrsBitchface said…
OMG!!! your little one is soooo big!!! cand believe it!!! she's so cute!!
I had no idea that The Kennedys was filmed in Canada!!

Ceciliette said…
Ohhh i'm so with you. Even if its winter has been raining all week too and the humidity is just annoying!!! I hope the sun is out today in your city like it is in here!!!
Vision By Mila said…
I need to buy wellies too, now with Autumn around the corner.. rain and mud, perfect combination..
EMA said…
These photos are super cute!
rooth said…
I've been wearing my wellies for plenty of the summer and am happy to have my toes exposed and wearing sandals :) I painted my toes turquoise this weekend and they're wiggling with happiness now
Oh to Be a Muse said…
I like the ombre-like effect on your shirtdress. And now you have me singing Millie Vanilli because of your post title, lol.
Style-Delights said…
Looking so good and happy Emmy! Your little one is growing up..God bless! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
-Jyoti from Style Delights Blog
*Giveaway* - Win a gorgeous piece of jewelry from Jeweliq
Emmylou said…
Thanks for the comments, everyone:) The little one is growing so fast:(
@Cheryl, heehee...Milli Vanilli rocks:P
Josie said…
I love the shape of your dress! And your wellies (both of yours!) Your bubbas are so adorable by the way, you've got such an adorable family xxx
Anonymous said…
Hahaha very cute photos. Love the huge smiles and waves hello.
Allison said…
Such a cute look, Emmy! And the cutest accessory? Your daughter, of course! :)
A's Fashion Files
Style Journey said…
Love the dress with the wellies. That first photo is adorable of you waving to your kids :)
Francesca said…
Love your outfit, so cute! You look gorgeous, and your kid is adorable! I love her rain boots!

Shoe Belle said…
That dress looks sooo comfy. And yay to the lil one, as always:p
LV said…
you two always look so cute together! I love these photos Emmy, they are so cute!
I wish it would rain here. It has been over 100 degrees all week.

Elly said…
Love the dress! It has this really cool dip dye / ombre kind of effect! :)
Unknown said…
She's so adorable, and growing fast too. That dress looks really cute on you. Its been raining here too, not a fan of rainy days :(

Unknown said…
Heather said…
hehe cute wellies!
momto8 said…
waving right back!! she is so cute!! and I LOVE your dress!!!

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