Rave: China Glaze

As I have mentioned before, I rarely get to do my nails nowadays. Being a mom and always running around and such, my nail polishes never last, so I always think, why even bother? The brand China Glaze, however, is one kick-ass brand of polish because I find it lasts on my nails longer than the rest, even with all the dishwashing and scrubbing that I do. The polishes are also reasonably priced...win-win, right?

(This is not a sponsored post...just saying...:))

China Glaze in Japanese Koi 

Do you guys like China Glaze? What is your fave polish brand?


rooth said…
My newest fave is Butter but I have been putting a top coat on all of my polish to make it last longer
Karolina B-H said…
is this only on picture, or is it orange-red color? I've been looking for something like that!!
LV said…
Emmy this color is gorgeous! I can relate because I often have to do my own nails.
Shoe Belle said…
Ooooh, love that color!
Vision By Mila said…
love the color! they should sponsor you anyway, for the positive review :D
Thelma Frayne said…
Never tried this brand- but I love the colour. My fave is Essie.
Ceciliette said…
reasonable priced and last longer than others! i'm loving that nailpolish then! Cute color, red is a classic!
Oh to Be a Muse said…
I like how vibrant this color is--and yes, I do like China Glaze. Glad you've found a polish that you can wear.
Unknown said…
love this neon coral red - seriously amazing!
would you like to follow each other?
Elle Sees said…
I don't own any. I've used them with pedicures, though
Allison said…
The color is super pretty on you, Emmy! I seriously can't stand having my nails painted- I don't know what it is but when I look at them, it drives me nuts! haha! And it's super crazy too because my MIL owns a nail salon! The other day when I was there she had this super gorgeous nude color in so I put it on my nails-it's been less than 2 days, and I've picked most of it off. I have to keep my toes painted though- it's just not socially acceptable to not. haha :0
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