Currently Loving #6

The last time I've done this was in August, so I thought I'd share some of the stuff I've been loving lately. Mind you, some of these items are ones I've loved for awhile:)

1) I went from the first-generation iPhone 3G to this, so I was totally blown away. Not only is the OS awesome, I also now have access to LTE, which means lighting fast connection. Woohoo!
iPhone 5
2) JK Rowling's The Casual Vacancy and Sylvain Reynard's Gabriel series are books I highly recommend. 

I wholeheartedly agree with JK Rowling when she (jokingly) said about her book, "But I would have nothing to say to the person who didn’t cry at the end of this book. Nothing."The ending just tore me apart. 

If you loved Dante's The Divine Comedy, the Gabriel series is definitely for you. Not only are the books well-written , the theme is all about forgiveness and second chances, and really, I think we can all relate to that. The first book is also set in my hometown! How cool is that!
P.S. I love these books so much I have them in e-book forms as well:)

3) Imagine Dragon's Night Visions album is just AMAZING! Go listen to it now!

 4) Butter London's Primrose Hill Picnic is a definite fave.

 5) I am by no means an accomplished cook, but I do love finding out about the whole science of cooking, and why we do certain things with food. You can't go wrong with the CIA's The Professional Chef. Very informative.

 6) I know it's not winter yet, but since the days have been getting colder, these Hudson Bay Official 2012 Olympic mitts are a must especially during the chilly mornings:)

So, that is all for now. Please do let me know what you've been loving lately, as I'm always up for things to try out:)


Vanessa V. said…
Wonderful objects dear! The nail polish color is great!

rooth said…
I am all about Butter nail polish. Why must it be $15 a bottle though? Crazy
Always Maylee said…
I've been wondering about JK Rowling's new book. Glad to know you like it, I'll have to check it out now!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Congrats on the phone upgrade! I'm in need of an upgrade myself.

Glad to hear good reviews of the new Rowling book...I just might read it now.

I like that primrose color by butter London. They make great polishes. Speaking of, have you entered my nail polish giveaway yet? :)
Emmylou said…
TY all for the comments:) Rooth, all my Butter polishes are gifted. Otherwise, I do think it's a bit overpriced. And yes on the JK Rowling book. Very dark, and some say too many characters, but they all tie up nicely in the end:)
I love the nail polish color!! It is fantastic. I have heard about the new J.K. Rowling book. I might need to check it out. Also, that CIA book sounds great. I bet they give a lot of cool tips.

Allison said…
I really need to check out those Gabriel books! I loved the Divine Comedy and am always in search of a good read!
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keishua said…
I am so curious about the JK Rowlings book. Currently loving a book called Popco and all things orange.
Adam said…
I haven't read her new book yet
Shoe Belle said…
Oooh, I love "It's Time"!!!
Unknown said…
I've been dying to read JK's new book, I've heard wonderful things about it!
iphone 5 is love but i prefer samsung's s3

Ps; Join my Glamour: Making it Modern book Giveaway [US ONLY] on Style Diaries

ilovetrends said…
Interesting post!
Vision By Mila said…
I want the mitts, because it IS winter here, first snow today! (bloody hell!)

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