Currently loving #8

Some new stuff I've been enjoying recently....:)
Gifted by my sisters: Margiela for H&M bracelet and Juicy Couture robot necklace

MAC Blush in Melba (Great texture and perfect for my skin tone,)

Essence brow powder (bought this for $2!)

Rick Riordan's The Heroes of Olympus series (I've only read the first one, and it was amazing! You can't really go wrong with Rick:)  Although his books are for Young Adults,  I recommend them to everyone.)

Please do share what you guys have been loving lately:) And have a super awesome weekend!


Unknown said…
I love the robot necklace!

Janine xx
Vision By Mila said…
I don't have any blush, never used.. but getting there, slowly.. :D
noone said…
the robot necklace is cute, and I have yet to read that series! Gotta check it out!
. said…
Ah! I totally want that Juicy Robot necklace! So cute^,,^

Holiday Giveaway
Shon said…
Love that blush, I might have to check it out. Ooh, Mark of Athena....I need to read it. I am all caught up so far and that is the next one on my list.

Where are you in the series??

Have fun...
Josie said…
I love that bracelet! Hope you had a fab Christmas Emmy, your mum's ham looks bloody amazing xxx
Emmylou said…
Thanks, all:) Josie, that ham was fab:) And Shon, just finished the first book. Holding on the other two for now to finish the other books I have, but am really dying to read them.
I'm not able to grab MMM for H&M in time, dang! Wish I could get my hands on the cuff!

Ceciliette said…
Like the brcelet! you lucky lady!
Shes Dressing Up said…
Ooh I just got a kobo for Christmas so I might have to look up that book series!
Allison said…
LOVE that bracelet! Been stalking my H&M for a return of the necklace version--no luck :( Enjoy it, it's so much fun! :)

A's Fashion Files
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rooth said…
Yay for Rick Riordan. So glad that you enjoyed the series. Your boys are probably old enough to enjoy the series before this (the Percy Jackson series)

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