Extinction event

My obsession with zombies continues. Now, aside from the TV show Walking Dead,  the movie World War Z has a special place in my heart. Having Brad Pitt in it helps a lot....
Forever 21 faux leather jacket, World War Z shirt from Hot Topic, Mossimo jeans from Target, Doc Martens boots

Have a great start to the week, everyone:)


Your Invisible Crown said…
You always find the bestest outfits, I love those pants. Have a fab week!
Emmylou said…
Thanks, Marieken:) You too!
Always Maylee said…
I totally enjoyed World War Z too!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Tanisha E said…
love the red jacket...rock on
Sam said…
How fantastic are those pants, really unique and outstanding!
A Very Sweet Blog said…
HAHA! I love your tshirt! I was watching my Netflix movies this weekend (I know, movie overload hahaha) and World War Z previewed. I was amazed! I remember it being at the movies, but didn't acknowledge it. Shoot, it's on my Netflix que now. I have to see it. It really does look good and with you confirming it I know it's good. Emmy, I think it's so cool you lived in Cali! I did not know girl. Ohhhh, we're going to be really good friends. Love you to pieces girl. ((hug))
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
You have the funnest t-shirts Emmy! I'm loving that the Walking Dead is back. It's so intense but so good!

Rowena @ rolala loves
What a cool shirt! I love those dyed pants too, you look so cute! Hope you're enjoying your Monday so far. x/Madison
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Oh WWZ is a great movie. I saw it in theaters when it first came out--but I see every Brad Pitt movie in theaters. I think they might make a sequel--based on how it ends.

Josie said…
I so badly want to see World War Z! I'm hoping it'll come on Sky Movies soon xxx
Jane said…
my husband saw WWZ without me. he's so into zombies lately. we're still finishing up season 2 of the walking dead on netflix. it was terribly gross for me at first but i admit.. i'm sucked in! :)
Katherine Unique said…
Love it! You look shockingly! As usual, like a model!
Excellent combination of colors!
You have great taste and style!

Katherine Unique

Adam said…
Greenland looks safe
Coco said…
Emmy I've known you for a short time but I'm already in love with your uniqueness!! Love the pop of colour in your outfit, while the tee is pretty scary to me ;-)
Coco et La vie en rose
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Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook
Belo estilo...Espectacular....
ilovetrends said…
This pants are amazing!!
Imogen said…
Love the combination of those jeans and jacket together.
Anonymous said…
I love The Walking Dead, too :-) Haven't seen World War Z yet though, but I want to.
Sharon said…
I love your pants so cute! Haha :)
London Loafers said…
LOVE the pants, they're super cool! :)

Fash Boulevard said…
Those pants are amazing. You look awesome! Love this post, girl. If you get a free moment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. :) xo

rooth said…
World War Z was a lot better than I expected to be! You're too cute
Unknown said…
I really like that jacket!
Chadlen said…
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