Boxing Day 2013

My eldest sis flew in from Vancouver to celebrate Christmas with us, and it's a tradition that every Boxing Day, we go to a mall (with youngest sis) to do some bargain shopping. We were out of the house bright and early to get a parking space coz it gets cray cray, y'all!
Line ups to get in the stores!


The deals I scored:
North Face Metropolis parka

House of Harlow 1960 Mallory moccasins 

from my sis-in-law

We ate at a Hakka restaurant after as a reward:D
Fish pakora
Crispy ginger beef
Manchurian chicken
having coffee after 
Did you score anything over the holidays?


Coco said…
I really can't bear to be in the middle of a crowd like that, you brave girls!! In Italy the sales haven't officially started yet, but I scored a couple of good bargains nonetheless, like the skirt I'm wearing in today's post. Great job Emmy!!much love
Coco et La vie en rose
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Sam said…
Woah Emmy, can't believe how full up the mall was, thats an intense crowd! But it must have been a fun experience, the puffer jacket is so cute and love the pretty moccasin boots. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend hun!
Kiwi..x said…
OMG, I can never brave the sales but then im alway's jealous of the deals people get lol. You found some great pieces the shoes look cute. The food looks yummy too, I hope you had a good day

Emmylou said…
Ladies, it was crazy. My eldest sis is not claustrophobic but she had to leave one store because of all the people. If the kids were with me, there's no way I would have gone!
Kashaya said…
Nice finds.=) I actually prefer to shop online. Hate the crowds on shopping days like these.
Your Invisible Crown said…
Yes to your new shoes! I ordered some studded sneakers at the Zara sale, hope they arrive soon. I'd love to meet them in person.
Anonymous said…
This post just made me so hungry toward the my stomach is really doing back flips now. Great pick ups!
xoxo, Ty
Unknown said…
These photos are adorable.It was really crowded,wow how did you survive that haha :) btw,i love your red moon boots.
Style Of OzOz
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Vision By Mila said…
I went the other day to a mall, thinking I would take a look around and maybe spend my voucher in H&M, but oh boy.. the crowds! Since we got there anyways I did go in H&M and got myself a jacket, on sale, yey.. and today I went again and bought what's supossed to be a jogging hoodie, but now I think it's too nice to be used for sweating purposes.. coz you see, I want to be a good girl in 2014 and bloody start jogging already!
Vision By Mila said…
PS. Oh and today I was naughty! Naughty! Got a ghd for myself, even if I specifically told Santa NOT to buy it because I have short hair at the moment, I gave in today and got it.. even if hair is short, it can be straightened already, so.. but now I really must put a lock to my card, the ghd was NOT on sale!
Vision By Mila said…
PS. Oh and today I was naughty! Naughty! Got a ghd for myself, even if I specifically told Santa NOT to buy it because I have short hair at the moment, I gave in today and got it.. even if hair is short, it can be straightened already, so.. but now I really must put a lock to my card, the ghd was NOT on sale!
Vision By Mila said…
And looks like I posted twice, pardon!
Josie said…
You're a braver girl than me Emmy! Hope you had a lovely Christmas, I'm in love with your checked Topshop coat xxx
Adam said…
I was at the mall on 26th, and it was nothing compared to your boxing day
Harija said…
Nice and props to you for shopping on Boxing day... I spent my day sleeping in!!

My Lyfe ; My Story
@MyLyfeMyStory â™¥ ♥

Antee Gurung said…
wow i hope u had a great time with ur sister. my sister is also coming soon . its such a good thing to catch up with siblings right.. loved all pics. esp food looked amazing''

btw do check out new post in my blog'
stay in touch'
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you had a good time! It's not for me though, the sales after Christmas. It's just too chaotic and crowdy, I'd rather just wait it out a bit and go when there are less people.
Boris Estebitan said…
Happy New Year. Feliz año nuevo 2014.
Unknown said…
wow looks like a lot of people !
Look at those crowd! And i really like the shoes you bought though :)
Eline said…
Wow, that's a reaaaly busy place! Haha
Jane said…
nice scores! love the moccasins! and the food. wow. makin my mouth water and it's only 10 am over here! ;)
A Very Sweet Blog said…
and you know what emmy! if i lived there i would be right there with you guys. what fun!!! i hate doing it alone, that's why i don't (at least not every year). you got some cool stuff! love your coat and those moccasins are awesome. OH MY GOODNESS!!! That food! HAHAHAHA LOOOKS so tasty!

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