All covered up

This winter is turning out to be one of the coldest we've had in years, and there's really not much we can do about it except to dress in warm clothes, like this sweater and thick leggings.

North Face jacket, Zara sweater, Dex leggings gifted by my mom, Topshop boots

How's your Tuesday going so far?


Those boots are incredible, now put that coat back on, you will freeze :)

Gems x

Fashion, Well Done
I really love you Zara knit top. You look lovely Emmy. Have a great week. xx
Harija said…
love the sweater and amazing colour

My Lyfe ; My Story
@MyLyfeMyStory â™¥ ♥
Sam said…
Hi Emmy, loving the pretty colour of your sweater, adds a great flush of colour to the wonderful coat and boots.Thanks for lending me your thoughts on the SAG Awards.
c said…
Lovely outfit and blog!

Your Invisible Crown said…
Love today's outfit and the pop of colour on a cold day :-)
Jane said…
are you getting snow now? hope you stay warm. can't wait for spring to come!
Mihaela Pojogu said…
I had internet problem so my day wasn;t so good, out was raining ans soon will snow here too. Thanks God I did some photos last days. Stay warm!
About women and not only Blog
Emilie said…
You look lovely in that pink! The boots are also really beautiful, wauw! And you have a cute smile haha :) Hope you didn't freeze while making these photos because it looks really cold :p xx
Shon said…
Burr! You look cute and cozy! I am sure you are freezing in that one shot of you without your coat on! Yikes!

I love those chic boots too.
Josie said…
Poor you! Hope it warms up soon xxx
ilovetrends said…
If I'm cold in Spain, I could die there! I love your outfit, btw :)
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Bundling up is pretty much our best defense against the cold aside from staying indoors. NYC is currently getting covered in snow.

Rowena @ rolala loves
Adam said…
My Tuesday would be better if I wasn't dreading about going to the dentist tomorrow.
Elle Sees said…
love that color on ya babe!
Anonymous said…
And here it's the opposite :-) Winter has been very kind to us this year. Keep warm, Emmy! :-)
Sam said…
I appreciate you stopping by...hope your week is going well ;)
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Great sweater Emmy! And that's your new coat!!! Looks fab on you! It's cold here, and I'm in the SOUTH! So I can only imagine. I've never drank so much tea and hot cocoa in all my life. HAHAHAHA
Beauty Follower said…
Lovely sweater!
London Loafers said…
LOVE your jumper but Oh my GOD, seriously, HOW did you take off that coat? I swear, I'm getting cold just looking at this (on another note, I'm uber jealous that it's snowing where you are and all we're getting in London is clouds)

Unknown said…
I agree this is a crazy cold winter. I am very impressed with how amazing and warm you look.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
The TopShop boots are pretty rad. So sorry to hear about the super cold winter. The crazy thing is, it's like 70 degrees here in the bay--not sure why, but I'm not complaining.

Please vote for me in this WWDMagic contest--you can vote today even if you already voted before!
Insanely It said…
You look great and ready for anything!! :D
Would you like to follow each other? Let me know ^^
Anonymous said…
*laugh* you are so brave to take off your coat in the cold! It has been FREEZING in Delaware lately. Nice post, and cute boots! Hope you're having a great week.
xoxo, Ty
Vision By Mila said…
I love the boots! And I have a similar winter jacket.. well, more or less.
rooth said…
My goodness! Doesn't it feel like it's been winter forever? Almost like Game of Thrones :)
Unknown said…
Hi Emmy its nice weather your look like so beautiful! nice coat wear like so pretty outfit look!!. very nice boots and good color i like very much. safety course in chennai|Industrial safety management course in Chennai| fire and safety engineering course training chennai|iosh managing safely institute|nebosh igc training in Tamil nadu the dress so pretty thanks for sharing.

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