Once upon a time

Our lovely neighbours were kind enough to invite us to their daughter's 7th birthday party. The theme was princess:)

We met Cinderella from Ever After Entertainment...awesome, right? She sang, read a story to the kids, and even did a makeover session with the little princesses. She reminded me of the time I was in Disneyland in LA aeons ago...good times!

My middle child was part of the "7 Roses", whereby seven boys give the birthday girl a rose and dance with her.  This was him refusing to dance....I can't even....

Thank you to our awesome neighbours for such a cool event!

Do you guys and gals love themed-parties?


Your Invisible Crown said…
I love the pink dress, I wish I had parties to attend to where I could wear pretty dresses like that :-)
Emmylou said…
Thanks, ladies, for commenting:)
Jane said…
oh my gosh! how cute!! :)
It must be a day to remember of these kids <3
Sam said…
Aww your daughter looks like a little princess, so cute!! Seems like a fantastic fun kiddies party!
Aww, this is great! It seems like they had a lot of fun!:)

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Shon said…
This is awesome!
What a wonderful concept. The kids all look so cute.
A Very Sweet Blog said…
What a beautiful party! Love the picture of you two and Cinderella. Great dress Emmy! I love theme parties. If I was a parent could you even imagine??? Especially if I had a girl! Lol Oh well. Awesome party and I can tell everyone had a great time.
lovely party and you look great!
new post: http://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com.es/2014/03/8-best-shoes-and-bags-from-fall-runways.html
rooth said…
How totally cute is she! Love the pink skirt
Anonymous said…
Totally cute princess! You look gorgeous, love your hair styling!
Beauty Follower said…
Your little girls skirt is so cute,
and your dress very very nice!

Josie said…
Best theme ever! Looks like you all had a fab time xxx
Elle Sees said…
hehe too cute! loved your son in the last pic!
Aww, how fun and so cute this must have been for them. I would enjoy as well, hehe. Great photos to share Emmy. xx/Madison
Anonymous said…
Awwwwww, how cute is your boy in his suit :-D So dapper.
Oh to Be a Muse said…
Themed parties are great for all ages, I think. It's so adorable that your son refused to dance. Kids will be kids, lol.
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Themed parties can be so much fun for kids and it looks like Cinderella made this party extra special. Your daughter's outfit is too cute... those boots and that skirt :)

Rowena @ rolala loves
xoxo Kellz* said…
loveeeeeeeeeeee this so cute!!

Anonymous said…
Aw! The beautiful children! Everyone looks so cute!
xoxo. Ty
Coco said…
What a cool party!! Your kids look so cute and I see you were super hot!! Big hugs dear Emmy, tomorrow is Friday finally!
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his_girl_friday said…
Looks like a lot of fun!

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