Denim season...kinda

Everyone here has been busting out the lighter jackets. It is snowing today, however...sigh...but I guess after experiencing -40°C, anything above -10 is warm for us.

PS These pics were taken yesterday when it was actually kinda nice in the morning.
old Gap jacket, F21 shirt, Zara jeans, Vans slip-ons

Happy Tuesday, guys:)


Great jacket! Your mention of the weather made me smile... I remember the day I moved countries it was -30 in Russia and just above 0 in England and I thought it was so warm! :)
his_girl_friday said…
Denim jackets are the best.
Jane said…
snow! my friends in chicago were telling me it snowed over there too! i love your denim jacket. i had one years ago that i loved but i have no idea what happened to it. sigh. been looking around for one lately (also a utility jacket).
Emmylou said…
Thanks, ladies, for commenting. Jane, this weather we're having in the east coat is just crazy!
Unknown said…
I love your jacket. It' so crazy in Toronto it's like 4 seasons in 1 week.
Unknown said…
This denim outfit look so great on you! Lovely look :)
Coco said…
You made my day with your lovely face Emmy!! I couldn't resist your range of temperatures! I'd love a pair of slip-ons too!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook
i need to invest in a great denim jacket. love yours emmy! love that tee underneath. the print is so pretty. i think you sent some cold weather to us by mistake. ummm yes, it's 59 degrees F and that is COLD for us. LOL
Adam said…
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Adam said…
we got the cold weather too. No snow but rain and cold powerful wind
Unknown said…
Spring is coming also your way!!!
ciao :)
Bloglovin' | Facebook | Instagram
Vision By Mila said…
No way so warm for jeans jacket here. Today though it's quite nice weather, so I'm hopeful spring settles properly by May! I like your shoes!
Sam said…
You've made me want to bust out my denim jacket (wherever it is) now. Adore a bit of double denim, so chic!
I love my denim jacket so I can totally understand you wanting to bring it out now! Cool look Emmy. xx/Madison
Denim jackets are so classic! I'd love to wear mine but we're having some cold weather again.

Rowena @ rolala loves
xoxo Kellz* said…
U look so cuteeee!!!
Imke said…
You look beautiful!

XO Imke
ilovetrends said…
OMG! You're crazy!! -10ºC is freezing!!
I love your jacket, btw :)
I love this look babe! You look like a rock girl with such a cool hair colour!
Anonymous said…
Would you believe I don't actually own a denim jacket? I need to sort that out STAT! You look great in yours :)

Emma | Fluff and Fripperies
rooth said…
Could you believe the weather earlier this week?! And I thought spring was here for good

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