Hairy adventure

(Disclaimer: I'm not a hairstylist/ hairdresser.)

I would like to preface this post by saying that my hair is thick, frizzy and uber dry. I've always had this hair, which is probably why I don't really care what I do to it most of the time. Admittedly, I was more scared bleaching it than shaving it!

On that note, I would just like to show you my new hair colour, and how I got there! All it takes is a leap of faith....

What you need/Directions:
I got everything from our local Shoppers Drug Mart, but it's probably cheaper to get these at Sally Beauty.

I mixed this Ice Cream bleach powder packet with 2 ounces of  Volume 30 hydrogen peroxide. After mixing them until I got a good consistency, I put it on and left it for about an hour. (Make sure you're wearing gloves).I concentrated on the ends this time, and did the roots last. (The roots lighten much faster because of the heat from the scalp.)

After an hour, I washed off the bleach. Shampooed and conditioned, then let my hair completely dry. I then put the Manic Panic Passion randomly on the lower part of my hair, then did my roots with Manic Panic Atomic Turquoise. I left these colours on for about two hours. I also left some bleached parts alone to add a more multicoloured effect. The light green colour was just my old faded one.

End result:

I need a trim...I know, I know...but I iz lazeeeeee!

As you can see, my hair is pretty fried. I don't mind this, but if you do, I would like to say that there's no way around damaging your hair if you're bleaching it. If you have a light blonde hair already, then you can go crazy just with any semi-permanent hair. Lucky you! Otherwise, lightening your hair is the only option if you want bright shades to show. 

For a less permanent look, you can also try hair chalk, but I've never tried them, so I don't really know....

Please note: Don't bleach if you have sensitive scalp, or fragile hair. They could break and fall out, y'all!

(I don't condition my hair as much as I should. Hence, the dryness. When I do though, I use coconut oil and leave it on for as long as I can. I also don't wash my hair often to make the colour last longer.)

Do you colour your hair?


Kashaya said…
Lovely hair.=) you look great in colorful hair.
Adam said…
nice mix of color
Unknown said…
I've been so interested in those cream colors! Love the colors here and agree that coconut is the best!
Vision By Mila said…
Oh you were brave! I would like to do something crazy like this, but I don't have the guts to do it!
Emmylou said…
Mila, some might say stupid....heehee....
Thank you all for commenting.
Imke said…
Whoa, so cool! I would never dare to dye my hair in these colours but on you it's so cool!

Elle Sees said…
i've always wanted crazy dyed hair. unicorn or rainbow!! i love it
Unknown said…
I have virgin hair but I've always longed for multi-coloured locks! Maybe one day I'll be brave enough. ;)

Tara x
Josie said…
Your hair looks awesome Emmy, proper mermaid hair! x

Josie’s Journal
Unknown said…
oh wow! I think you did a great job :D
lovely hair!!!

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Unknown said…
amazing job!!!
Unknown said…
amazing job!!!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful colors! I think you did an amazing job for someone whose not a hairstylist. I don't dye my own hair, but I have gotten it dyed before. I'm thinking of going grey.

xoxo, Ty
ilovetrends said…
Great job! You look fantastic with this rainbow hair!
Unknown said…
Wow that would be a freaking nightmare for my hair! Like just to make some red highlights in the middle of my black hair is a hard thing and sometime the bleach just "kills" them and they won't take the pigment of the color anymore... so I'm here with disgusting hair ^^
Next I think I will just have some few red clips extensions !
his_girl_friday said…
Your hair looks great!
Wow, spectacular colour Emmy! You're very brave and doing it yourself! I dye black most times, otherwise it's naturally auburn. I think you look great and love that you used vegan dyes.Have a wonderful week! x/Madison
Summer Neutrals
Your Invisible Crown said…
Fierce! I just coloured my hair yesterday, a very dark red (almost black)
Coco said…
Darling you are gonna need tons of balm to comb that hair, trust me I'm bleached!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook
International giveaway: win a sparkle made in Italy
Anonymous said…
On anyone else this would look waaaaaaay too colorful and OTT but on you it almost seems normal, I love it, Emmy!
Jane said…
wow emmy!! looks amazing! i also have fried frizzy hair and i don't mind it too much but i do miss it when my hair was naturally silky. i have definitely used manic panic in the past but lately i just dye my hair at home (instead of the salon because it just got too expensive) because i've been plagued with early greying - ugh. but i just go conservative and dye it black which was hard to get used to because my natural hair was on the lighter brown side but i think i'm used to it now. ;)
rooth said…
AHH! Love the colour - how summery. I don't dye my hair anymore (too lazy for the maintenance) but next time I do, I've got to try some cool colours like yours
A Very Sweet Blog said…
You have a nice head of hair Emmy! Mine is just now growing out. You did a fabulous job with the color. Looks so good!
Shireen L. Platt said…
You hair does look pretty dry in the picture, Emmy and you're right, there's no way to avoid damaging the hair. I guess I'll just live vicariously my hair dreams through you. LOL!

Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

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