Mother of Dragons

Just had to have this shirt....:D
Game of Thrones shirt from TIFF store (bought during the exhibition, H&M pants, Adidas sneakers)

Have a fantastic Friday, everyone:)


Anonymous said…
How cool! I love Game of Thrones. I can't wait for the new season to launch here.
June said…
Cool tee Em! Or should I say Khaleesi? Love your sneakers too
Keep in touch
Sam said…
This is such a cool fan tee! Thanks for your comment, have a wonderful start to the weekend.
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Great tee Emmy! I'm totally loving your kicks!

Rowena @ rolala loves
Jane said…
;) happy friday to you!
Miu said…
I love the shirt!
Imke said…
These are some gorgeous shoes!

A Very Sweet Blog said…
Uhhh, you didn't buy me one??? What's up with that? LOL It looks so good on you Emmy! I want one!
Just as they say "been there, got a t-shirt" :)
Have a great weekend! x
Vision By Mila said…
Was about to ask if it's related to some movie, but then I saw the writing on the bottom of the shirt and figured it straight away! And yes, I'm alive, have just been busy these past few weeks, school, my parents visited, going here and there. Starting tomorrow things should calm down a bit.
Josie said…
I love this! Dany is my favourite x

Josie’s Journal
Grace and Charlotte said…
Love this look! We've recently started watching GOT have to say though some of the scenes are pretty disturbing... like the one with the weird breastfeeding kid...
- Grace and Charlotte
his_girl_friday said…
I haven't watched that show yet. I fear it will be too much for me! Everyone gets killed off!

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