That's how I roll.... of my fave activites.....
Did I wear the Birkenstocks with socks? Oh yes....I did! 
Danier jacket, top from Hot Topic, BDG jeans from Urban Outfitters, Birkenstocks

I do love the back of the shirt.

I'm wearing a pair of socks I knitted, y'all:)
Happy Hump Day, everyone:)


rooth said…
Looks like it's summertime in Emmyland!
Jane said…
love the back of your shirt! so nice to see all that green grass too! such a stark difference to all the cold during the winter months!
Your Invisible Crown said…
Love the back of your shirt too! Did you snatch up a new pair of sneakers?
Anonymous said…
Damn you Emmy! How can I justify my absolute hatred for birckenstocks when somehow you manage to pull them off. WITH socks!!! ;-) It must be that rock 'n roll vibe you ooze.
Indy said…
You knitted those socks?! How awesome! I'd love to learn to knit socks sometime - I can only do scarves now, haha.

And I really like your rib cage shirt! Anything with an anatomy print is right up my alley!
Always Maylee said…
Your hair is fantastic! Somehow you pull off the birks and socks look, love it!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Emmylou said…
Thanks for commenting, everyone:) Birkis are awesome with socks, right? hehe
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
I'm not really a fan of Birks but I do actually think they look better with socks. Your hair is so awesome!

Rowena @ rolala loves
A Very Sweet Blog said…
the socks with the birkenstocks look REALLY GOOD together. love the color of your socks! i love the back of that criss cross top. looks so good on you girl! WOOT WOOT! I see that orange bag! Gorgeous! Glad you're lovin it and using it. Great leather jacket in the first photo.
Unknown said…
HUGE fan of your shirt (and hair !)
Josie said…
I love shopping too! Only you could pull off socks with Birks x

Josie’s Journal
Harija said…
Cute tee and thank you so much for your lovely thoughts on my past post!!
Deeply appreciate it ;)
My Lyfe ; My Story

Beauty said…
These are all cute looks. I love that white top with the fun back view and those lovely socks you knitted. You are so talented.
Unknown said…
Love love love your hair color, wish I could pull that off. Super cool look and nice layering. Really like the top and the denim.
Take care,

Vision By Mila said…
Thumbs up! Looks warm enough in your part of the world these days!
Tali @ RockMyHeels said…
First, what an amazing hair style and hair color! Looks great on you. And wow, you knitted the socks yourself. I can knit a bit, but socks sounds like a rocket science to me :) Well done! And I don't mind these socks with Birks at all :)

you look so cool in the first photo! Well who wouldn't love shopping! <3
Wow, those socks are the coolest Emmy. You look adorable! I hope you enjoy your weekend dear. xx/Madison

Fashion Tales Blog
Unknown said…
I love the jacket you're wearing!
And... really cool socks :D


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his_girl_friday said…
Birkenstocks are the best!!!

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