End of summer

It is officially fall for us here, as the kiddos started school yesterday. Let me tell you a little secret...I always get into a bit of a funk the day they go back to school. It just feels like summer always flies by soooooo fast...sigh....

Anyhoo, thank you to my husband for taking me yarn shopping yesterday to make me feel better, because Yarn=happiness #KnittingLife :D

Lacoste shirt, shorts from Urban Outfitters, Birkenstocks


How do you feel about the change in season?


Beauty Follower said…
Well in Greece the weather has not change (although yesterday had some rain droops), and the schools are opening in September 10th... so is still officially summer in my town ;)

Love knitting too, i am not very good at it, but relaxes me so much!
Unknown said…
today here is so cold!!!
you're kids are too cute and your look is so summery :D
nice shopping ;)
Chiara ~ CHIAWEB.it
follow me on Instagram
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
This summer really felt like it flew by! Hope your kids have a great semester at school!

Rowena @ rolala loves
Unknown said…
Your kids are so adorable :3
Vision By Mila said…
What are you gonna knit nice next?
Emmylou said…
Thanks, everyone, for the comments:)

Mila, I'm constantly knitting....now doing the Master Hand Knitter swatches and also on a shawl/poncho.
Jane said…
yay yarn! i'm gonna have to go pick some up too. and boo for summer. i don't want it to go away but i know it'll be hot and sticky for a few more weeks so i guess that's ok :)
Coco said…
You look very happy and your children do too! I can't wait to see what you will be knitting!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook / International Giveaway
Adam said…
still feels like summer here
Unknown said…
Your kids looks great. All ready to head back to school.
Shon said…
Get your knitting on, Em!!

LOL, you look great and the kids do too. I hope they have a wonderful school year.

Did you put more color in your hair?
You always keep us on our toes!!

Have a great week and knit up a bunch of things, ok?
Beauty said…
Awwww; the kids are so so adorable. They are all smiles so it seems like they were ready to head back to school. My kids have gone back to school too amidst mixed feelings...:-)

Your denim short seems to say "Summer, please, don't go"...:-) and I just love the way your hair makes every outfit pop.

Enjoy the rest of the week.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, fall is definitely on the way, I can feel it too here. Your kids look so cute in their school outfits :-)
Josie said…
I love Autumn but you must miss the kids when they're at school! Looking forward to seeing some of your new knitting projects Emmy :) x

Josie’s Journal
Your Invisible Crown said…
The fluor green wool looks awesome, love to see what it will be turned into :-)
Elle Sees said…
bring on fall temps! my fave season. and when did your babies get so grown up??
Anonymous said…
It's gotten colder over here in London also and all the kids started back at school. You look mega-cute in your cut off shorts and also how adorable are your kids in their school uniform! So sweet! XXX
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
Back to school! How bittersweet! And how cute are your kiddos in their little uniforms?!
Awww look at them! They are very adorable :) Have fun at schools kids!
rooth said…
Awwww happy first day of school (and first day of freedom, mom)
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Your kids look so cute in their uniforms. Your hubby is the sweetest!

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