The 90's never left.

Who isn't mad for plaid?
shirt from West 49 (I think), American Eagle jeans, Converse sneakers

image from

image from


Jane said…
love. i only have one flannel in my closet! i should change that eh? but i've been eyeing them to wear soon. :)
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
I just realized that I have no plaids in closet and maybe I need to change that.
Beauty said…
Yeah,I'm glad that 80s never left because I really love plaids especially in the Fall.
Cute Shirt.

Have a great weekend Emmy.
Ann said…
That was a really cool look.
Love me some Kurt Cobain.
I luv the 90's ♥
Unknown said…
I think we're all very much influenced by the 90's. I love your funny hairs ;)
Vision By Mila said…
Why don't I have a fashion icon to get inspiration from? Suggest one to me!
A Very Sweet Blog said…
I have flannel night wear! Love your shirt Emmy! Have an amazing weekend!
Imogen said…
Tartan is my favourite forever. I sure wish the 90s never left.
Josie said…
You know I love plaid on others but not so much on me! You look fab and grungey in the best way x

Josie’s Journal
Anonymous said…
Long live the nineties! :-D
Imke said…
Oh the nineties, just perfect!
I love plaid!

Tania Franco said…
Plaids are definitely a must for Fall! I love wearing a plaid shirt with faux leather leggings, my fave. Love your fun and stylish blog, so I'm your knew follower on G+. Hope you visit my blog anf follow if you like it!

Vision By Mila said…
But but but.. would be cool to have an icon for inspiration, wouldn't it?! I shall do some research.. :D
Your Invisible Crown said…
I was eyeing a plaid blouse over at H and M today, but I'm not quite sure I can pull of the look :-)
Vision By Mila said…
I have found the muse! Clemence Poesy, especially with the bob hair!

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