Leather weather

One awesome thing about fall: the leather jackets come out:)
Danier jacket, Marc by Marc Jacobs shirt, Levi's jeans, Adidas sneakers

It's Thanksgiving Day on Monday here in Canada, guys! Wishing all my Canuck friends an awesome holiday.


Beauty said…
That's a cute leather jacket and the sneakers are fab.
Enjoy your holiday..
Sandra Cox said…
Happy Thanksgiving:)

Nice jacket!
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
Happy early Canadian Thanksgiving! I'm SO ready for some cooler weather! It's still in the upper 80s here. BOO!
I love your jacket! I also love wearing faux jacket in this season too!
Adam said…
cool jacket

also just finished season 1 of GoT

all I can say is that Ned told me to Brace Myself because Season 2 is coming
A Very Sweet Blog said…
I love a great looking leather jacket Emmy! Love the color and lapel on yours. Have a great Thanksgiving Emmy! I can't wait until our turkey day.
Coco said…
Your jacket is divine Emmy! I need a new one too, I'd love it to be exactly like yours!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook
Ann said…
Happy Thanksgiving!

Love the jacket and sneakers.
I'm a fan of your cool style of dressing... no fuss but lovely just the same.

Unknown said…
you are right, this jacket is so perfect right now!

Chiara ~ CHIAWEB.it
my Instagram
Vision By Mila said…
I took out my jacket too, but can't button it up anymore.. :D
Josie said…
Very true, I missed my leather jacket over the summer! Hope you had a fab Thanksgiving x

Josie’s Journal
Sandra Cox said…
Happy Sunday, Emmy.
Anonymous said…
Its deff. time for the leather jackets and I'm so excited because i've been ready to wear mine for the longest. Nice shoes. Have a great week.
xoxo, Ty
Beauty Follower said…
Well the weather in Athens got warm again
so in my occasion the swimsuit come out lol :)

have fun dearest!
rooth said…
Happy Thanksgiving and yes, I'm so ready for leather weather!
A Possible Fantasy said…
cool 'n' stylish! love the jacket!

a possible fantasy
find me on twitter ♥
Well, you know how I feel about leather, I love it! Your Adidas are great here too! Yes, Happy Thanksgiving, Emmy. xx/Madison
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
That is an awesome jacket Emmy! You already know I love those kicks :)

Rowena @ rolala loves
Imogen said…
Looking amazing in your leather jacket. I know it isn't my usual style but I really want to get one. The background of these photos is pretty.
Anonymous said…
Agreed! Together with boots this is one of the best parts about autumn!
Unknown said…
Your shoes, so nice!
Love, felicia

Jane said…
oh!! happy thanksgiving!
Elle Sees said…
i'm still waiting on jacket weather, and that jacket rocks!!

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