Feather and Fan

The latest sweater I knitted...
(I got the pattern from this book if you're interested.)
Feather and Fan pullover I made, no-name leggings, Topshop boots

Wishing you all a lovely weekend:)


Vision By Mila said…
I love it! One talented lady!
Unknown said…
This is awesome! Love the details on this, you're so talented, love!
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
So in awe of your knitting skills Emmy! Happy weekend!
Great job! I can't even knit tbh lol It looks so good dear!
Imogen said…
This is amazing, knitting sure is the best.
Anonymous said…
What a cool knit, well done, Emmy!
Your Invisible Crown said…
You did a fabulous job, it looks awesome!
Coco said…
Great job Emmy, it's super beautiful I love it! Enjoy your weekend!
Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi
This comment has been removed by the author.
Well done, I really love how it turned out, Emmy. Great job. /Madison
Weekend Style Files
Midnight Cowgirl said…
That sweater is adorable! My knitting skills are limited to simple scarves :)
Josie said…
You're so talented! I wish you could knit all my sweaters Emmy! x

Josie’s Journal
such a nice sweater dear
new post: http://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com.es
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Ok Emmy! When did this happen? You jumped from scarves, hats and now sweaters? Looks so good. I just have well another question. When's your first collection?
Unknown said…
Cool pictures I love your sweater! Can't believe you have not seen my blue hair already, come and tell me what you think!! Have a nice sunday!

Unknown said…
Cool pictures I love your sweater! Can't believe you have not seen my blue hair already, come and tell me what you think!! Have a nice sunday!

Mihaela Pojogu said…
Looks amazing Emmy your sweater, great job, this is my fav look of yours by the way. :)
his_girl_friday said…
You knitted that? It's so fab!
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
Woah! You knitted that?!?! SO AWESOME!!!
Elle Sees said…
you are killing it in the knitting department! such talent!!
Hena Tayeb said…
wow.. nicely done!
you MADE this? Why am i not this talented? beautiful.
Beauty Follower said…
Wow it looks so difficult to make!
Miu said…
Omg, I cannot believe that you knitted it yourself! That's so amazing!

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