Spring has sprung!

Oh my gosh! Finally! We can go out without jackets, you guys!
Old Navy shirt (from mom), LEI jeans, Vans slip-ons
On the little one: school uniform:D

"Brain freeze!"


Rowena @ rolala loves said…
Yay for no jacket weather! Now why don't I look that cute when I get brain freeze ;p

Rowena @ rolala loves
A Very Sweet Blog said…
i'm so happy for you guys, because you've been inundated! everyone looks happy :) i hate brain freezes.
Adam said…
brace yourselves

summer is coming
Anonymous said…
Here it's still too chilly to go out without a jacket but it's getting springier by the day and I LOVE it!
Ann said…
You and your kids are so cute.
Brain freeze... now that is something I'm not fond of.

Elle Sees said…
hehe such cuties! i know you are enjoying the sunshine!
you always show us nice pictures about your pretty family
new post: http://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com.es/2015/04/cata-de-vinos-en-abades-triana.html
Unknown said…
These photos are so cute! :)

rooth said…
Yay! Here's to being warm!
Beauty said…
I know!.,,:-). It's so exciting to be able to go out without jackets. Yay! to spring. You all look so happy and lovely.
Midnight Cowgirl said…
Hooray for spring! It's so nice not wearing a coat :)
Imke said…
YAY! Spring and summer always make me happy too!
You look amazing and so happy!

XO Imke // www.pastellics.com
Vision By Mila said…
Ah, we're not there yet!
Anonymous said…
Cute photos! Enjoy the warmer weather :)
Josie said…
So glad Spring has finally sprung! x

Josie’s Journal
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
Hooray! I know you're super relieved! Our springs are probably like your summers, so I'm already sweaty and grumpy!
Swati said…
such cute kids...and the last one is so adorable...
Coco said…
Hello lovely Emmy, sorry for coming back so late! Last time you were freezing and look at you guys now!! Big hugs doll!
Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi
Imke said…
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog <3 I hope you have a lovely week ahead!

XO Imke // www.pastellics.com
Imke said…
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog <3 I hope you have a lovely week ahead!

XO Imke // www.pastellics.com
Miu said…
That's one of the best feelings after winter!

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