There is no end

I feel like this cold weather will never leave us. We had a few days of good weather, but alas, that soon passed...sigh....
(Silence and Noise jacket, Super Dry shirt, LEI jeans, Ugg Australia boots, Stussy cap)

I hope the weather is lovely wherever you are, and that you all had a great Easter weekend! Ours was kinda crazy coz I had my birthday this weekend,'s good to be 25 (again)....mwahaha!


Hena Tayeb said…
we had a much more pleasant weekend.. hopefully it will warm up soon. spring is coming
I hope you get to experience some nicer weather. I just brought out my scarves again. haha. Have a lovely week Emmy. <3
Easter Inspiration
Adam said…
Happy late Birthday
Rowena @ rolala loves said…
It's been like this in NYC as well. Hopefully the warm weather will stick around for good soon.

Rowena @ rolala loves
Shon said…
Hey Beauty!! Happy Easter and Birthday. Hope you and the fam had a lovely weekend?

We had a blast on Spring Break and our youngest daughter turned 13!! Eek!! We went to see Home and the kids loved it. I bet your kids would like the movie Home as well??

A Very Sweet Blog said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMY! You tried to keep it from us! What a great weekend! Easter and a Birthday! Hope it was bliss doll. I wish I could send you some of the heat we're having. I have the ac on right now! LOL Love your tee!
Unknown said…
Wow! Belated birthday wishes... Hope you have a fab year ahead!

Oh, and please feel free to take loads of heat from Mumbai. We could really do with some cold weather out here.
Vision By Mila said…
Same here.. the moment some sun shows and I get ready for spring.. something (clouds, rain, snow!!) makes sure to spoil everything!
Anonymous said…
I'm wearing a Super Dry t-shirt today too :-) I'm definitely ready for spring now. It took me a while to get there but I'm VERY much there now!
Ahhh how cold is it there!? It's getting warmer here now so I'm pretty happy! Are you excited for the birthday? :)
Elle Sees said…
happy belated birthday you beautiful mama and beautiful soul!
Coco said…
Darling I live in Italy FGS and I woke up to 0 degrees C! Unbelievable!
Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi
Unknown said…
Cute outfit sweetie :)
Sending lots of warmer weather your way, it's getting pretty hot here in the UK. Hope you get some soon!
Your Invisible Crown said…
Happy belated birthday, hope you had a good one! And I love the Stussy cap, that was one popular brand over here when I was a teen (a long, long time ago.....)
Josie said…
Well I don't wanna rub it in but it's well sunny where I am ;) haha I hope you had a lovely birthday! I'm an April baby too! x

Josie’s Journal
Midnight Cowgirl said…
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Unknown said…
Amazing post!
Have a nice day!
Natallia Jolliet
Jane said…
We've been having gorgeous weather but rain for the past two days. Boo! Hopefully sunshine isn't too far away. :)
Imke said…
A belated happy birthday! I hope you had a wonderful time!
Amazing look, the hat suits you very well!

XO Imke
Imke said…
A belated happy birthday! I hope you had a wonderful time!
Amazing look, the hat suits you very well!

XO Imke
Beauty Follower said…
Today in Athens the weather turned really cold too!
Happy Easter :)
Oh to Be a Muse said…
First, happy belated birthday! Hope you enjoyed turning 25 again. The weather here was annoying recently too. Way too cold for April. But hopefully it will warm up in time for the return of Game of Thrones this Sunday. Are you ready? :)
rooth said…
Happy belated my dear!!

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