Always with the cap?

I've been obsessing over baseball caps lately and seem to be always wearing them. Frankly, you wouldn't want to see what's under there most days...just saying....

New Era cap, Marc by Marc Jacobs shirt, Love Child pants, Converse sneakers
Have an awesome day, you guys!


Rowena @ rolala loves said…
I have this cap in pink :) My current hair cut isn't playing that well with baseball caps and I miss wearing it.

Rowena @ rolala loves
Your Invisible Crown said…
Love the shirt! I must have a cap saying 'revenge of the nerds', and I have no idea where it is. I kind of miss it, maybe time for some spring cleaning this weekend!?
ania said…
I don't wear caps myself, but yours looks cool :D
Have a good weekend!
Midnight Cowgirl said…
What a cute hat, and I love those pants!
Unknown said…
So cute outfit!
Have a nice week end!
Natallia Jolliet
Unknown said…
This is such a cute outfit...I love the hat!
Anonymous said…
You do the casual look so well, Emmy!
Josie said…
I love that tee! And you wear a cap well ;) x

Josie’s Journal
Coco said…
You wear them with the right attitude! Looking fab Emmy!
Coco et La vie en rose fashion blog - Valeria Arizzi
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
Gah! What's under the cap?? Lemme see!! A second head?
A Very Sweet Blog said…
Let me guess? Knitting needles. Yarn. Those darth vader shoes :) I love caps. Purchased two for Summer.
Elle Sees said…
iw as gonna ask what the latest hair color is! i am jealous of your ability to wear hats. i have a huge head and look crazy in them.
Imke said…
You pull off those caps so well! Love it on you! On me they look ridiculous :(

Jane said…
oh i had a thing with baseball caps! and bucket hats! those two were my absolute favorites! :)

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