Festival attire

Frankly, as much as I would like to go to a music festival, big crowds are not really my thing. But hey, I can always pretend I'm there, right?
H&M tank with sports bra from Hot Topic, Wrangler shorts from Urban Outfitters, Birkenstocks

Have you been to a music fest? Do tell me about your experience so I can live vicariously through you:D


Unknown said…
love your outfit!
Take a look ,
Baci Andy
Renard Moreau said…
[ Smiles ] Your outfit is comfortable nonetheless.
Aimee Bustillo said…
cute outfit, love your post, also want to go to musical festival but I'm not the type of person to go to a lot of crowds <3

Capturing Life Memoirs | http://aimeebustillo.blogspot.com
Tijana said…
Awesome post! Kisses!

Adam said…
I don't really like outdoor live music. Too loud and I can't enjoy it. Also around here it's all country or no-name bands.

Also I hear the new Terminator has pretty bad reviews. I also heard they turned John Connor into an evil robot. They should have stopped with the first one, even though the 2nd was very good. The story is not something that needs countless sequels.

I do hate that Emilia Clarke is in it, because she'd be the only reason why I would see it. Also the woman who plays Cersei played the same character in the TV series
Beauty Follower said…
Nice look ;)
I havent had the chance to be in a concert this season unfortunately, due to the problems that Greece have to face :(

Rowena @ rolala loves said…
I used to go to concerts and music fests all the time during the college but I totally avoid them now cause I can't deal with the crowds. You look like you'd be right at home at one btw :)

Rowena @ rolala loves
Hollie Black-Ramsey said…
I haaaaate going to shows. I played bass in a indie poo poo band some years agoa and I loved playing shows but I would always hurry up and leave after we played so I wouldn't have to watch the next band. I don't know why!!!
Federica Di Nardo said…
Love your hair!

The Cutielicious
Sharon said…
You look very pretty!
Josie said…
I could deal with the crowds but not the mess! You look great and yay for Birks! x

Josie’s Journal
Kashaya said…
Cute outfit. Perfect for a festival. I'm not a fan of big crowds either.
Unknown said…
It has been awhile since I've attended a music festival...I'm not big on crowds either. Though there are a lot of them in Austin (this city is called the live music capital of the world), so we hear them from our home from distance a lot. :) Love the outfit...the denim shorts are so cute!
Unknown said…
Loving this casual look :)
I am afraid I haven't been to a music festival but to be quite honest, I would only want to attend it for a day. The reason being is I am not big on camping and being squished together.
June said…
Super cute look em!! Glad you made the comments embedded in the post as they would open a pop up earlier!! Btw your hair is looking too pale!! Color it again!! :)
Oh to Be a Muse said…
It's so funny because the hubs and I like the idea of going to a music festival as well. But then we think about the large crowds and the dirty bathrooms and we're like....nope! I wish I could get the music of the festival and the chill vibe without all the other mess. Maybe I just need your fun shirt!

Midnight Cowgirl said…
Awesome tee! I haven't been to a music fest, either. I'm not a fan of big crowds, but seeing so many great acts live sounds pretty cool :)
rooth said…
Love that outfit - it's like my summer uniform!
A Very Sweet Blog said…
You would look so cool Emmy. I LOVE your outfit! We have a Jazz Festival here in New Orleans that has great entertainment.
Anonymous said…
You are the ultimate festival chick, Emmy!
Jane said…
love your outfit! definitely summer vibes :)
LV said…
such a cute outfit! Perfect for Coachella
I love music festivals, but don't go to as much as I used to, now we just go to music festivals for the day not multiple days. You just need to be prepared. I always bring a little kit with sanitizer wipes, etc., because you will need those for anti-germs, haha. I've never been to Coachella though.
Evening Entertaining
Sharon said…
Thank you for your comment :)
sonia // daring coco said…
I love a good music festival but truthfully I haven't been to one in well over 4 years now. And I kinda feel like I'm getting too "old" for them too. My patience for long lines for toilet cubicles was never long to begin with plus I automatically feel "old" amongst the "bohemian" clad teens with perfectly contoured faces that age them 10+ years. LOL.

Elle Sees said…
the same way--love dressing up, the music, but not the crowds. love the tee!
Miu said…
I'm also not the type for festivals, sorry ;) I like to sleep in a bed and I'm not rich enough to afford the glamour variation of festivals ;)
his_girl_friday said…
You look like a festival girl!

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